Important from Kentucky
Reported Negro Insurrection in Owen County
Messengers arrived here this morning, saying that three or four hundred negroes had armed themselves and formed a company and were committing depredations; that the whites undertook to disarm them, and had several men killed. The Governor has sent Gen. Buckner to ascertain the truth of the matter. He had not yet returned. The military are in readiness. Rising Sun, Ind., Friday, May 10 The telegraph operator at Patriot, Ind., telegraphs that he has been called upon to aid in quelling a negro insurrection which broke out last night in Owen and Gallatin Counties, in Kentucky. Great fears were felt, as it was supposed the negroes were led on by two or three white citizens of Kentucky. The people are gathering their forces to put down the rebellion, and runners have been sent to Indiana for assistance. Capt. Wells, of this place, who has a company ready for our own State service, has telegraphed that he would send his men and arms to their assistance, if needed. The telegraph line has been down all the morning between Patriot and Vevay, so we are without any news from the latter place.. It is thought that the line has been cut by the insurgents, to prevent the transmission of the news of the insurrection.
[both items above appeared as one article in the New York Times, May 11, 1861. And below, the follow up in the New York Times, the next day:]
Rising Sun, Ind., Saturday, May 11 The reported negro insurrection in Owen and Gallatin Counties originated as follows: One lady met two negroes, armed, when she went and told her minister that the negroes were arming. He at once spread the alarm. There was considerable excitement in Boone County, opposite this place, last night. The military were under arms, waiting for the signal gun to render assistance.
New York Times, May 10 and 11, 1861