Judge McManama
LOUISVILLE, September 7th. Judge McManama, of the Circuit Court in Owen county, where the recent murders and disturbances occurred, in the course of a long and earnest charge to the grand jury impaneled to examine into the cases, declared that unless they fulfilled their duties fearlessly and brought indictments against the law-breakers, without fear or favor, he would summon a grand jury from another county that would. He called especial attention to the conduct of the Sheriff of Owen county, who had within a few days willfully allowed a murderer, for whom he had a bench warrant, to come into the county and ride armed through the streets of Owenton without offering to serve the warrant, even when his attention was directed to it. The Judge declared his intention to inaugurate a different state of affairs in the county, at whatever cost.
Marysville [Ohio] Daily Appeal, September 9, 1874