Poplar Grove


This little village is situated on the Owenton and Glencoe turnpike, ten miles from Owenton and five from Glencoe.  It is divided into two towns, known as upper and lower Texas.  Lower Texas consists of one dry goods store, one drug store, and one blacksmith shop.  Upper Texas consists of one hotel, one drug and grocery store combined and one blacksmith shop. About midway between these two towns is situated the Baptist church (with seating capacity of 500 persons) and our school house, (calculated to accommodate 100 pupils), at which Mrs. Ettie Noel will teach for the ensuing term.

Crops generally are very good in this vicinity, thought wheat is not turning out as well as expected.

Crouch and Brock have purchased a new engine for their saw mill.  They contemplate soon to erect a grist mill, which will be of great advantage to our community.         


from the Warsaw Independent, July 17, 1880.  The author is credited only as RSJ.