1879 Demossville


“I shall begin with a brief description of our town:  Demossville has 10 inhabitants.  It is situated on the K.C.R.R. 2 miles south of Covington.  It is bounded on the north by Grassy Creek, on he east by the Licking River, on the south by a hill, and west by a mud puddle.  The principal products of our town are school marms and magic balm.  Our new merchant, Mr. Gaines Daugherty, who traded his farm for Mr. Dick Anderson’s store, is doing a thriving business.  Our town can boast of Grangers, Good Templars and Masons, and under their influence, by the help of the good citizens in general, the town is so changed from what it was a few years ago, that it is the last place on the railroad line at which the conductors would put off their passengers who want to go to the devil.” 

from Covington’s Daily Commonwealth, May 5, 1879

“Demossville – Our census will show about one hundred and fifty inhabitants; one blacksmith shop, two stores, one tailor shop, one laboratory, two livery stables, one cooper shop and other industries which usually go to make up a first-class country town.  Our people are just a t this time reaping an immense harvest in the way of cheap goods at our two stores, one kept by J. G. Daugherty, and the other by the old tried and true Uncle Aaron Threasher, who has added to his stock of goods a full line of ready made clothing.  Both say they will not be under sold by anyone.” 

from Covington’s Daily Commonwealth, April 23, 1879
