Pendleton County Auto Registrations
Date Owner City Auto Horse-power  Tax
9/27/1910 Bell, Louis H Butler Motor Buggy 18  $  5
3/22/1911 Bolender, W. P. Falmouth Buick 22  $  5
7/8/1911 Ewing, Elmer Falmouth International 14 $   5
8/22/1911 Fryer, Ben & Son Butler Haynes 30  $10
7/12/1910 Lemmon, R. H. Falmouth Schacht 20  $  5
8/30/1910 Lemmon, A. W. Falmouth Buick 22  $  5
7/21/1910 Myers, G. L. Falmouth Locomobile 20  $  5
3/15/1911 Marshall, A. A. Falmouth Flanders 20  $  5
10/28/1910 Sherwood, Owen Falmouth Flanders 20  $  5
5/10/1911 Sargeant, Lafayette Falmouth Oldsmobile 7  $  5
6/14/1910 Troutman, W. F. Boston Maxwell 12  $  5
7/2/1910 Wise, Curtis Boston Ford 15  $  5
8/2/1911 Weld, C.F, & F. Stith Falmouth International 18  $  5
3/27/1912 Hopkins, Dr. S. M. Demossville Hupp 20 $  5
9/29/1911 Kenner, J. W. & Alex Morgan Pope-Hatfield 20 $  5



This is a list of all the automobiles registered with the State of Kentucky from June 14, 1910 until roughly the same day in 1911.  It's the first year Kentucky registered automobiles; so these may not be THE first cars in the county, but they are the first registered cars.