Short Pendleton Subjects
Guerilla Operations in Kentucky
Cincinnati, Wednesday, Oct. 7. - Major Wileman, of the Eighteenth Kentucky regiment, who was wounded in the battle of Chickamauga, and who lately returned home was taken from his house, in Pendleton County, Ky., on Monday, by a gang of guerillas, stripped of his clothing, tied to a tree and shot. Five of the marauders were caught and brought to this city today. from the New York Times, October 8, 1863
Escape from Jail
Cincinnati, Sunday, Dec. 16. Two men, named Alexander Plummer and James Barnes, under sentence of death for the murder of Leonard Moses, made their escape from the jail of Pendleton County, Ky., at Falmouth yesterday morning before daylight. The prisoners were aided by outside parties, who drilled a hole through the wall of the jail and passed keys into them which they used in getting out of their calls.
From the New York Times, December 17, 1866
She Cremated Herself
Falmouth, Ky., Feb. 17. – Elizabeth Bony, aged 96, living alone near this place, barred the doors and windows of her house yesterday, set fire to the building, and perished in the flames. New York Times, February 18, 1885.
A Town Marshall Shot Dead
Falmouth, Ky., Oct. 17 – A cowardly tragedy, that may end in a double lynching, occurred here this morning just before 1 o’clock. Samuel E. R. Voglesong, Town Marshall, was shot dead at his own door. As he entered his front yard three shots were fired, and Voglesong fell, dying in a few minutes. The Sheriff has under arrest this morning Oscar and Archie Downard upon suspicion. Voglesong and Archie Downard had a street fight last Summer, when both emptied their pistols at each other, and Voglesong and Oscar Downard had a fight this Fall, when Downard was shot in the shoulder, and the Downards threatened to get even. A search of the Downard house revealed two shotguns and a revolver that had been recently discharged. There is this evening a frenzy of excitement, and it is feared that Judge Lynch will hold a session of court before morning. Mr. Voglesong was acting as Sergeant at Arms to the Democratic Congressional Convention in session here.
From the New York Times of October 18, 1890.
One Dollar Each for the Relatives
Falmouth, Ky., Aug. 5. – W. L. Stowers, a wealthy land owner of Pendleton County, died a few months ago, leaving an estate worth $50,000. His will has just been filed and it bequeaths to each of his nine immediate relatives $1. The entire fortune is left to a Mrs. Lawrence and her son. Mrs. Lawrence had been Stower’s housekeeper since she was fourteen years old. It was not known if she was ever married. A fact not brought out in the probate of the will is the statement of a neighbor that Stowers told him he had been married to Mrs. Lawrence and that he was the father of her child born in wedlock. The will was admitted to probate. Stowers was the son of the late Richard Stowers, was a graduate of Oxford College, and prominent in the political affairs of the Sixth Congressional District.” From the New York Times, August 6, 1891.
The Kentucky Central Accident
Cincinnati, Dec. 2.- The accident on the Kentucky Central Railroad last night was caused by the attempt of the freight train, which was several hours late, to reach Catawba, the next station north of Falmouth, before the express train should arrive. Four miles north of Falmouth, the two trains met. William Gray, fireman of the passenger train, was killed, and Isaac Ackley, the engineer, was severely injured. Levi Kirby, the engineer on the freight train, was injured slightly. Luther Vanhook, of Cynthiana, Ky., a passenger, was also slightly injured. Both engines, four freight cars and the baggage car were wrecked.
From the New York Times of December 3, 1882.
Feud Gets Another Victim
Second Murder After an Unfortunate Kentucky Partnership
Falmouth, Ky. June 9. – Dr. Edward Courtney, a young physician and member of one of the best families in this section, was assassinated near the village of Neave yesterday. Courtney formed a partnership with Dr. William Karney at Leitchfield two years ago, and soon after Karney was killed and Courtney arrested and accused of the killing. Since then there has been a feud in the neighborhood. Karney was a young man of great popularity, belonging to all the secret societies, and when he was killed these societies took up the case and have been forcing a fight on the Courtneys. From the New York Times, June 10, 1905.
Fatal Election Affray in Kentucky
Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 5 – At Falmouth, Ky., on Monday last, Gus Lightfoot shot and killed G. L. Abernathy, acting Town Marshall of that place. The people were excited at the Local Option election. Lightfoot met Rev. B. S. Robbins, a Local Option man, and, during a quarrel between them, Lightfoot drew a pistol and fired at Robbins, who knocked aside the pistol with a cane, but the ball struck Abernathy, who was approaching in line of duty to quell the disturbance. Lightfoot was arrested. Reprinted in the New York Times of August 6, 1874