
During the program of the storm, Saturday night and Sunday morning, a German named Green, who seemed to be religiously fanatic on the subject of running off slaves, was taken in the act of aiding in the escape of a couple of women and children, the property of Messrs. Kirby & Ellis, who resided in Pendleton county, Green has for some time been in the employ of Col. Wheeler, and when taken said he had been doing his duty, and would at the next opportunity do the same thing. There were four persons—two women and two children—in the party, who had almost reached the Ohio river when they were arrested. They were on horseback, and in a short time would have made good their escape but for the fact that the horses being missed, caused search to be instituted, and not until they had been taken was it known that the slaves had made an attempt to escape.

When the citizens of the county learned the extent of the offence of Green, they were very indignant, and threatened to lynch him, which undoubtedly they would have done but for the interference of some of the more prominent of the number, who induced them to abandon their design, and allow the law to take its course. Green is about thirty years of age, hat been in the State four or five years, and is a naturalized citizen. The women are said to be quite valuable, and the children, one of which is ten and the other six years of age, are healthy and promising.


Cincinnati Enquirer, July 5, 1859