Nathan and Pliasant
Know all men by these presents that I have this day sold to Ben Craig and A G Craig for the sum of thirteen hundred and twenty Dollars and ninety seven cents the following negroes, slaves for life, to wit Nathan a negro man, aged about 21 years, Pliasant, a negro boy aged about 12 years and Louisa a negro girl aged about 14 years, to have and to hold the above named negroes, against myself heirs and assigns forever, conditioned however that whereas the said Ben Craig as drawer and AG Craig as endorser have this day loaned to me their names on two Bills of Exchange by myself accepted One for six hundred and fifty eight and 65/100 Dollars, payable on the 1st of January next and the other for six hundred and sixty two and 32/100 Dollars payable the 1st of March next amounting in all to thirteen hundred and twenty and 97/100 Dollars. Now therefore witnesseth that if the said Ben Craig and AG Craig are held by me harmless from any loss that may in anywise arise out of the above named Acceptances, then the above conveyance and obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect.
Witness my hand this 20th day of May 1845
J.M. Craig
from the A.G. and Virginia Craig Family Papers, University of Kentucky Special Collections