The 1884 Flood, Milton

 The situation in Milton is distressing.  Last night was a terrible one for our neighbors across the river, for, added to the misery caused by the flood, came the high wind and bitter cold, which in many cases completed the destruction of dwelling and business houses, and drove the occupants of the former to the hills for refuge, where they camped, exposed to the bitter wind and cold.  The following are among the losses reported this morning:  Barker and Mosley’s Store, entirely swept away and reported lodged a mile below.  The stables and out buildings of the Virginia House all gone, and the occupants will have to leave, as it is in danger of falling at any time.  The old Givens house is an entire wreck and very many of the other buildings are so turned around and wrecked, as to be practically ruined.  King’s building is turned entirely around.  The only building in the Village out of the water is the Kingston Hotel, and the water is within one foot of it.  As our informant put it, the town is practically ruined, and is in painful need of almost everything in the way of supplies, especially of provisions, clothing, and fuel.  And it is hoped that those that have had the dispensation of relief will not overlook Milton, in this hour of her pressing need.  


From the Madison Courier, Feb. 14, 1884