Trimble County Court House

The first Trimble County courthouse was erected in Bedford in 1837 and was replaced in 1884.  That's it in the inset on the first picture on the prior page.  It burned down.

In the Carrollton Democrat, on Saturday, May 31, 1884, we have this:

“Last Saturday the contract for building the Trimble County court house was awarded to B. F. Fletcher, Jr. of Aurora, Indiana whose bid was $12,598. About the next lowest bid was that of Mr. McCoy, who is building the Carroll County Court House, which was trester$12,770. Trimble's temple of justice will have the same internal arrangement that our court house has, but several of the external and merely ornamental features of ours are left off the Trimble plan.”

The 1884 Trimble County Court House burned down on March 5, 1952.  The fire began in the attic at 5:30 am, and the fire department had to come from Carrollton.  The 1953 court house was built on the foundation of the prior building that burned, and was designed by B. F. Trester, Jr., an architect from Aurora, Indiana.  That's him at the left. The 1953 building cost $100,000, which is estimated to be 8 times more than the building of 1884 cost.
