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Big Bone Methodist Church (later, a Baptist Church) |
The Methodist Church |
A few words on the church are here. |
A few words on the Big Bone Methodist's Ladies Aid Society, here. Who's in the picture? Here. |
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Big Bone Grill, 1969 | Fred and Fran's, 1969 |
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Main Street, Big Bone, Kentucky Used through the cooperation of the University of Louisville Photographic Archives |
Big Bone Baptist A 1943 history of the church is here. (pdf) |
Big Bone Baptist, by Caroline Williams |
The Little Zion Baptist Church
Mary Howlett Home
Cincnnati Commercial Tribune, April 27, 1922
This is the map from the expedition of Captain Charles Lemoyne de Longueil. We put the yellow dot on it so you can easily locate what would become Cincinnati. Note down around Big Bone, where it notes “Endroit -- ou` on a` trouve' des os d'Elephant en 1729”. In English, that’s “Place where one found the bones of Elephant in 1729.” This is the map that put Big Bone, well, on the map, and made it famous throughout the world. Not America; the world. The map is dated 1729, was published in 1744. Many - not all - believe it was actually from 1739, not 1729. |
Before the Lewis and Clark Expedition left for the west, Lewis, on his way to Louisville to hook up with Clark,
stopped at Big Bone to investigate what was up with these giant bones being found. He stopped at Big Bone on October 4, 1803.
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Portion of a larger map by Henry Popple, drawn in 1733. Identifies Big Bone as “elephant bones found here.” |
Big Bone, c. 1930 |
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Camping on Big Bone Island Wendell and Asa “Buddy” Rouse March 9, 1947 |
Loading Tobacco, Hamilton |
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Local Residents holding findings from Big Bone Lick, 1913 |
Some European naturalists argued that plants, animals, and humans, were smaller and inferior in the New World. Thomas Jefferson points out these bones being found at Big Bone, which are larger than anything Europe knows of. Jefferson's essay is here (pdf). | |
A piece on Big Bone mammoths from 1789. Notice they haven't yet figured out the concept of “extinction.” | A piece from 1811 is more descriptive of the site. |
An 1830 discovery of cache of bones | 6,000 acres are for sale along Big Bone Creek in 1826. Maybe the same acreage for sale in 1808? |
Felix Koch publishes his experiences excavating bones at Big Bone in this pdf, from a 1914 issue of the American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal. | |
The wonders of Big Bone, 1830. | An account of Big Bone from 1810. |
One man's history of Big Bone, from 1876, is here. | On October 12, 1919, The Courier-Journal ran a feature story on Big Bone, here, and another in 1890, here. | An unknown papers' feature story on Big Bone is here. |
The bridge across Big Bone Creek into Gallatin County | Dr. Paul Tenkotte writes about Thomas Ashe and the Big Bone bone Swindle | |
Storm of 1895, here. | Homicide in Big Bone in 1867, here. | Poetic ode, from 1883, to the Last Mammoth of Big Bone, here. |
Steve Preston wrote about Big Bone for the Kentucky Tribune, at their site here. | F. Eichelberger wrote on Big Bone for the WPA. (pdf) | Big Bone's ball team call themselves “The Brilliants.” |
“One of the pleasantest places to visit in this hot weather is the Big Bone Springs. Colonel J. O. Campbell and Son, formerly of Burlington, have charge of the Clay House there, and are doing their best to provide for the comfort and amusement of their guests.” from the Covington Ticket, July 15, 1876. | Many of the bones from Big Bone reside these days in Philadelphia's Academy of Natural Sciences, now a part of Drexel University. They have a page on Big Bone at their website, here. |
For what it's worth: The US Post Office folks had a post office named “Big Bone Lick” from 1829-1831, “Big Bone Landing,” from 1834-1835, and “Bigbone” from 1890 to 1941. |
Big Bone tobacco growers pledge to The Equity. If you aren't familiar with the Tobacco Wars of 1908, we suggest starting here. |
Big Bone State Park's web site is here. | You can read a proposal to build the Covington, Big Bone, and Carrollton Railroad, here. | Daniel Boone artifact found near Big Bone? Story here. |
Wikipedia article about Big Bone is here. | Wikipedia article about the park is here. | A less flattering view of Big Bone is from R. E. Banta, here. |
Steamer Union explodes near Big Bone. |
Road authorized from Big Bone to Waggoner's Ferry at East Bend, 1831. | “The post office at Handysburgh, Boone county, Ky., has been discontinued, and a new office established at Big Bone Lick in that county.” The Indiana Palladium (Lawrenceburg), February 21, 1829 |
Cincinnati Tribune ran a feature on Big Bone
There are three Big Bone items on the National Register of Historic Places. Applications here - all pdf's - contain histories, maps, and interior and exterior photography. |
Big Bone Archeological District | Big Bone Lick State Park | Big Bone Methodist Church |
There were at least four steamboats manufactured in Big Bone. More here. | The steamboat C. T. Dumont is hit by the tow Tom Rees in 1865 at Big Bone, more here. | In 1855 the steamers Telegraph #3 and the Swallow collide near Big Bone, here. |
The steamer General Pike was built in Big Bone in 1853 (not to be confused with later boats of the same name). |
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This is not a “typical” bison, but an extinct version that was about 25% larger. The first skeletons of it were found at Big Bone. Read more at this site. | Mastodon skeletons were first discovered in America at Big Bone. Read more about them at this site. |
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Newer views at the Big Bone State Park |
Both the Big Bone Park and the Big Bone Archeological District are on the National Register of Historic Places. The applications, pdf's, contain photo's, maps, history, and architectural details. |
Wanna read more? Here's a list of Big Bone publications from 1744 to 2022. It's a 65 page pdf. |
Promotional Brochure from the Friends of Big Bone. Visit them on the web here. |
The Clay Hotel in Big Bone
From a Facebook post by Tony Horn
The hotel above may or may not be the one advertised below:
from Covington's Daily Commonwealth, July 27, 1881
The mineral waters of Big Bone were absolutely a tourist attraction.
The mineral waters drew attention from national publications, inspired scientists, and led to dreadful poetry. One journal pronounced them perfectly safe, except for the local residents the waters made sick. Then there's this review of the taste of the waters. |
Western Spy and Literary Cadet, June 9, 1821
Big Bone Mineral Water
ad from a 1904 issue of the Maysville Public Ledger
An 1856-57 chemical analysis of the mineral water is here.
The Big Bone Hotel Company was formed in 1851.
They attempted to re-boot the resort in 1916.
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This is C. W. Peale's “The Exhumation of the Mastodon” The scene is likely from Newburgh, N.Y., but we include it here to show what it might have looked like to dig up a mastodon in Big Bone. |
The University of Nebraska's archaeological museum published a
newsletter of it's dig at Big Bone Lick in the 1960's. You can read
it here.
However, mostly they only found “newer” bison bones, and, since they excavated
with a bulldozer (!),
their archaeological “credentials” are highly suspect.
from Collin's History of Kentucky, December 1, 1840: “M. R. Stanley, resident engineer of the Kentucky river improvements, in his report states “that in nearly all the excavations, in building five locks and dams, detached teeth and bones of the mammoth were found, in a state of excellent preservation; at depths generally of 50 feet below the surface of the ground and at distances of 100 to 150 feet from the margin of the river.” |
July 2, 1960 - The Commonwealth of Kentucky accepted a 525-acre tract of land in Boone County to be developed as a state park to showcase Kentucky’s pre-historic past and the location of one of America’s earliest animal inhabitations. |
“From Dr. J. W. Baxter, who recently made a visit to Big Bone, we learn that the work of exhuming the remains of the mammoth mastodons is in operation, though prosecuted with such clumsiness as to destroy many portions of the huge skeletons. It is a strange matter that scientific men have not ere this formed a company for the recovery of the many specimens of these monsters of the forest whose remains are within reach.” Courier-Journal, July 27, 1868 |
Still “a strange matter,” 150 years later. . .
Why isn't there a great museum at Big Bone? One man's rant, here.