
Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky

My Old Kentucky School, Ghent (Ghent College)
picture in the center, 1935;  on the right is 1912
Gen. Robert E. Lee was invited to speak at it's dedication.  His regrets are here.

The Ghent College Corporation voted on September 27, 1887 to dissolved and sell it's property. It eventually became Ghent High School, which consolidated with Carrollton in 1936. Lower grades continued to be taught in the old college building until it burned on January 1st, 1941.

newGhent College

Ghent College Invoice, 1878

School School
Elementary School Construction, 1940 Elementary School, 1942

Ghent votes for education in 1899.


John William Knigga, age 12, baptized by Rev. Paul Wieland, (Ghent Baptist, 1929-1934).
Knigga died in WWII. From a Facebook post by Bill Davis


Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky Ghent Methodist
Ghent Christian Church The Ghent
Methodist Church
Ghent Methodist Church
Josie Brown North's history of the Ghent Methodist Church is here. (pdf) Scoundrel poses as Methodist preacher
“Notice – Dedication. Rev. C. B. Parsons, D. D. , of Louisville, Ky., will dedicate the Methodist Church, at Ghent,
Carroll County, Ky., on Sabbath, April 17, 1859, at 10½ o’clock, a.m. A cordial invitation is extended to the general public.“Indiana Reveille (Vevay), April 6, 1859

newCraigs, Gex, Duiguids, Mongomery and others subscribe to build a school in 1866.


“McCaul's” Bottom Baptist Church trustees authorized to sell the old church.
The General Assembly got the name wrong. It should be McCoul's.


newCarroll County

Cover photo from the Scenic South, 1958


Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky
Ghent Baptist Church, Inside and Out
Courtesy Kentucky Historical Society
Visit history.ky.gov regarding rights and reproduction
Ghent Baptist Church

A few words about
Ghent Baptist are here.

A second account of the
Church's beginnings is here.
This building was dedicated
on October 19, 1883
Frank Master's history of the Baptist Church is here. newGhent leases out their old building in 1846.
Yet a fourth, and more detailed, history of the church is here (pdf).


“It is rumored that a minister of the Christian denomination, who lived at Ghent, and who formerly
preached here, has left for parts unknown, taking another woman with him than his wife, whom he
left with several children, to take care of herself” Courier-Journal, February 8, 1870


Ghent, Kentucky

Rev. S. T. Robinson, Pastor
 of the Second Baptist Church
 in Ghent, Ky. 1943

“Robert Turner of Ghent, Ky., died a few days ago. In 1850 he bought two slaves at auction and made $1500 by the transaction, and is now in his will directs this amount to be divided from his estate among the four African Churches in Ghent.” Indiana State Sentinel, January 23, 1889
J. W. Pickett, a Ghent school teacher on the job for a week, expresses opposition to slavery. Fired that afternoon.


Craig House

The gym-less Ghent basketball team.
From a Facebook post by Lee Hanlon who has details.


Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky Ghent School
At the Ghent School. 
Note the expressions.
Ghent High School
 Baseball Team
Ghent School, 1914

The Ghent Elementary School PTA's Cook Book? Yeah, we got that.(pdf)


Ghent, Ky

The 1949 Ghent School Conservation Club


Ghent, Kentucky

Ghent, Kentucky

Ghent Christian Church.
History of the Ghent Christian Church is here.  (pdf)


Christian Church

The founding document from Ghent Christian Church, 1836
Details and transcription.

carroll line