Ludlow HEader

ludlow, kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky
Ludlow, From Elberon
Avenue in Price Hill, Ohio
Ludlow from Mt. Echo From Mount Echo
Park in Price Hill


ludlow, kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow Home
Elmwood Hall,
The oldest house in Ludlow,
 built c. 1818.
Ludlow Homestead
River Road
Ward Vandermark Home
20 Ash Street


These four Ludlow houses are all on the National Register of Historic places, complete with photo's, history, and maps.
Elmwood Hall Maxwell House 855-57 Oak St. 859 Oak St.


Ritchie Home Ludlow, Kentucky
“The old Ritchie House, at the corner of Elm and Locust. The family lived in Ludlow for almost 100 years. The property also had a separate greenhouse and library. It was torn down in the late 1950s to build the Kroger's. The Ritchie's were immigrants from Switzerland. The first Ludlow death in WWI was Edgar B. Ritchie. Ludlow's American Legion Post was named for him.” Dave Schroeder, commenting on Facebook G. Taylor Latta Residence, 1911. The 12-sided Latta House was later the location of an Allison & Rose Funeral Home. 
Background on the Ritchie family is at this site.  


Ludlow, Kentucky Somerset Hall
Somerset Hall, built in 1832
“A typical Southern residence”
  Somerset Hall, November 12, 1943


A contemporary tour of the interior of the Carneal House.

A brochure about the Carneal House is here.

Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky
Lumber Barges at Ludlow Elm and Locust Streets, 1894
The Christian Church used the
first floor of this building, and a
school was conducted on the first
floor.  City Council first met here,
on the first floor, in 1864
C. A. Slater's Grocery
Store, c. WWI, Oak and Helen.


Elm Street

Elm Street
from a Jeff Barkley post on Facebook

Elm Street Elm Street
Both of these are believed to be from the damage of the great tornado of July 7, 1915.
from Facebook posts by Tom Dryer
More on the horrendous damage this storm caused is on this page of our site.


Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky
July 4, 1959
Elm Street, looking east
 from Euclid Refinery fire,
July 26, 1892.
It burned until August 13th.
Ludlow, 1883


Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky
The Southern Contracting
Company, Ludlow
In 1874, Ludlow had
it's own newspaper
G. Moser & Sons


Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky
Resin Yards of H. Garlick, Ludlow


Pleasant Ridge

Ludlow's Cornelius Joseph “Neal” Brady is the youngest man to ever pitch for the New York Yankees.
See his major league record at this site. More on him here.


Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky
The Ludlow Springs Hobo Club
An explanation of who they were, here.
Ludlow Baseball Team, 1910


Ludlow Incinerator

A little background on the Ludlow Incinerator is at this site.

Ludlow incorporates, becoming an official city in 1864.
“First place in the order of deserved recognition may be assigned to Miss Anna C. Minogue (Kenton Co. Library), of Latonia, Ky., whose novels, The Rainbow Chasers, Cardome, and Borrowed from the Night have given their author a high standing.”  Kentucky Irish American, May 11, 1901

“On Tuesday morning, Dec. 28th, a runaway negro, the property of Mrs. Stark, of Campbell county, Kentucky, was captured in attempting to cross the Ohio, below Ludlow.” Sacramento Daily Union, January 26, 1859

The Ludlow Turnpike Company was created by this 1864 act.


1937 Flood

1937, just before the crest


Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky
While you don't hear as much about it, 1933 also saw
a terrible flood.  These are March 22, 1933.
1937, Looking north
toward Ohio


1937 Ludlow

January 26, 1937


Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky
Post Place & River Road Park Avenue, January 26, 1937


Ludlow, 1937 Ludlow, 1937 Ludlow, 1937
1937, Along Route 8, from Facebook posts by Cindy Alexander


Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky
O'Hearn & Bennett Grocery
W. Oak Street, 1937 Flood
January 27, 1937, before the
 flood crest, at the foot of Ash Street


Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky Ludlow, Kentucky
Ludlow Flood Scenes, (likely 1907 or 1913)

Elm Street

Yosties, at Deverill and Elm, in the 1964 flood


Dave Schroeder writes on the rich history of Ludlow at this site.


Walking tour of historic Ludlow is here (pdf).

Here's Ludlow's application to be on the National Register of Historic places, complete with photo's, history, and maps.

There's also an application for Central Ludlow. Both are pdf's.
