Walton Crowd Scene
On the left, the two ladies with the white purses are Mrs. Dorothy Alford Porter and Mrs. Kemper (on the right), both Walton Verona Elementary teachers. Also in the scene, sitting, are Raymond and Effie Beach, then Rhoda Humphrey, Mrs. "Birdie" Brown, Ruth Mullins Layne, and Mrs. Andy Coyle.
Standing on the steps with her back to you, long blonde hair and hands in her pocket is Linda Code. Standing in the doorway behind her is Billy Lawrence. Beside him is Donnie Murray.
Next to Rhoda Humphrey is her daughter Rhonda Stephens. You can only see her hair. On this side of her is Janice Brown, she is wearing glasses, short dark hair with a headband. In front of her on the bottom step is Janice's mother. Sitting on Mrs. Brown's lap is, Rita Lynn Brown, now Rita Small.
They're standing in front of the Union Light, Heat and Power Co Office.
If you can identify some more of these folks, feel free to
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