Walton Crowd Scene
From the left, first row: Margaret Perceival (Armstrong). Betty Lee
Denney, Emma Lou McElroy, Jeanette Grubbs (Clore), unknown, Colleen
Vanlandingham (Shields), Barbara Crouse, Dorothy Kannady (Breeden), and
Mary Yealey (DeMoisey).
Second row: Beverly Pruitt, Wanda Dixon, Carol Kendall (Smith), Glenna Northcutt, and unknown girl.
Back row: Jack Rouse, Kenneth Johnson, unknown boy, David King, Billy Wynn, Marvin Pennington, and Gene "Wheatie" Roberts.
And the umbrellas? It's freshman initiation day, and the senior class supervised ways to embarrass incoming freshman. Thanks to Buddy Grubbs for clearing that up!
If you can identify some more of these folks, feel free to contact me.