Ten Mile
![]() The Reverend
The Lillard Residence.
[The Reformers referred
James Lillard
Elder Joseph
Elder J. W. Lee
The Ten Mile
on the
Pastor Lafayette
From 1804 to 1904, with a brief account 1. In the Beginning The first Baptist church in Kentucky north of Eagle Creek was constituted at Bullittsburg, Boone county, June 1794. The next was Dry Creek, in July, 1800. The next was Middle Creek, March, 1801. The next was Bank Lick, May, 1801. The first settlements in what is now Gallatin county took place on Eagle Creek in the winter and spring of 1800. Among them were several Baptist families and a Baptist preacher by the name of Williams Bledsoe. Bledsoe, and occasionally others, preached among these pioneers in their cabins until early in 1804. In April of this year at a meeting held at the home of Bro. Preston Hampton, Ten Mile Baptist church was constituted with the following members: Eld. William Bledsoe and wife, The little church called William Bledsoe as pastor, who preached for it one year. He had been tinctured with the doctrine of Universalists, or, as they were then called Restorationists; and such teachings not being in harmony with Baptist faith, he was excluded from the church, and we hear from him no more. 2. The Second Pastor The church next called Eld. Robert Garnet, of Middle Creek, Boone county, to become her pastor, who served two or three years. This brother was born in Virginia, and first came to Kentucky about 1800. He became a member at Bullitsburg by letter, and in 1801 went into the constitution of Middle Creek. He was a man of medium talents, but zealous in the work of the Lord. From Middle Creek to Ten Mile meeting house was about thirty miles through an unsettled and very hilly country, yet he was generally present at his appointments. He passed away in 1825. After Garnet closed his work the church does not seem to have had a pastor for several years. In 1806 the church became a member of the North Bend Association, which had been constituted in 1803. The church grew but slowly for several years, mainly by settlers bringing letters. The church records are very indistinct. A log meeting house was erected near the site of the present day church building. 3. The Arrival of David Lillard About the year 1806, David Lillard, a young licentiate from Virginia, became a member of Ten Mile Church. He had married a daughter of Col. Joseph Spencer, one of the constituent members of the church, and purchased a large tract of the best land in the vicinity of the church. He soon became an active laborer in the Master’s cause, and was ordained to the work of the ministry in June, 1817. Immediately after the ordination services, the congregation repaired to the water, when Lillard baptized four persons previously received by the church, and returned home, about three miles, without changing his clothes. Lillard was born in Virginia, Nov. 18th, 1782. He immediately after his ordination took charge of the church, to which he continued to minister for 42 years. When he commenced the church it did not exceed 50 members; before he closed it numbered nearly 400. For many years Ten Mile was the home of all the Baptists for many miles around, and enjoyed many gracious revivals. As she was a member of the North Bend Association, to which a number of ministers belonged, their visits were frequent. Absolum Graves, Robert Kirtley, Christopher Wilson, and likely the memorable John Taylor used to visit the remotest bounds of the Association, and Lillard would return those visits to churches in Boone and Campbell Counties [Kenton County didn’t exist until 1840]. Often meetings would be held at settlers’ houses, at a distance from the churches, and thus life and fraternal relations would be kept up. The writer has heard Lillard tell of some of these happy meetings. Sisters would shout, and a general handshaking and relation of Christian experience would be kept up until a late hour, and sometimes after the congregation was dismissed the preachers and older church members would remain in religious conversation till after midnight. But very few of these people were wealthy. They often came miles through the almost unbroken forests on foot to attend preaching. Settlements grew rapidly, and each year brought many new comers from Virginia and the central part of Kentucky. Numbers of these were Baptists. Poplar Grove Church, in Owen county, was constituted with 12 members on the second Saturday in May, 1827, some of whom had been members of Ten Mile. Tobias Wilhoit became their first pastor and served the church three years. Joseph Crouch became the next pastor and continued to serve the church 19 years. He died April 30, 1849. Curing his ministry of nineteen years in Kentucky he baptized 1,192. He was born near Petersburg, Virginia, March 27, 1794. In his childhood his parents moved to Green county, East Tennessee, where he was brought up. He professed religion at the age of fifteen. A year later, he commenced going forward in public prayer. At the age of nineteen he was married to Miss Anna Lada, and at the age of twenty he was ordained to the ministry. He was pastor of several churches in Tennessee and baptized 391 persons. He raised a large family in Owen county whose descendents of staunch Baptists and among the best citizens of Poplar Grove neighborhood. Mt. Zion church, Grant county, Ky., was constituted with nineteen members on the 19th of May, 1827. Some of them had been members at Ten Mile. David Lillard was its first pastor and continued to serve it twenty nine years. It united with North Bend Association. Churches were also constituted in a few years at Lick Creek, Dry Ridge, Providence, Grassy Creek, and New Salem, several of which drew members from Ten Mile. Some of these churches have been dissolved or have changed their names. 4. Ten Mile Association Formed In 1831, at the instigation of David Lillard, the Ten Mile Association of Baptists was organized. The constitution was affected October 7, 1831 at Ten Mile Meeting House with the following churches: Ten Mile, Poplar Grove, Lick Creek, Dry Ridge, Providence, Grassy Creek, New Salem, Mt. Zion and New Bethel. These nine aggregating 383 members. The ministers in the organization were David Lillard, Christian Tomlin, Joseph Crouch, and A. D. Landrum. David Lillard was chosen Moderator of the Association, which position he continued to fill for thirty years. J. W. McCann was the first clerk of the body. Of these churches, New Salem was dissolved and merged into Crittenden church, Providence was re-organized as Oakland church, and New Bethel ceased to exist. Another church of the same name was organized in 1840 at Verona, Boone county, Ky. 5. A Threat from the Reformers We come now to note the most stormy period known among the Baptists of Kentucky. Alexander Campbell, of Bethany, Virginia, had in 1823 began the publication of a paper called the Christian Baptist, which set forth doctrines and teachings which were contrary to the views held by a majority of the Baptists. In 1829, on account of these views, the Mahoning Association of Baptists in Virginia, to which Mr. Campbell belonged, was excluded from Baptist fellowship, and Mr. Campbell was no longer received as a Baptist. The storm thus raised swept over the Baptist churches of Kentucky. Churches went over to the Reformers (as Mr. Campbell called his followers), others were divided and whole Associations were rent asunder. Ten Mile, under the wise guidance of Lillard, remained calm. An organization of Reformers was made on Sugar Creek, to which some Baptists went, but no division of Ten Mile church ever occurred. Neither was any division made in the Association. At Poplar Grove Church some controversy arose; and Mr. Crouch, the pastor, put two queries to the church: 1st Is salvation of God or of man? Answer: of God. 2nd Is Baptism regeneration? Answer: Baptism is not regeneration. After this Campbell’s work seems to have had but little effect among the Baptists in Ten Mile Association. Lillard from Ten Mile, Crouch from Poplar Grove, and Robert Kirtley, with other ministers of less note, held the Baptists of Northern Kentucky in the old doctrines of the Bible and the so-called reformers generally failed to reform. The Association continued to increase in numbers from year to year by the addition of new churches, to many of which Ten Mile contributed valuable members. Her active pastor, Elder Lillard, being everywhere present in the work. Frequent additions were received in Ten Mile. A large brick meeting house was erected and peace and harmony reigned. 6. The Beginning of Revivals, 1840 In 1840, beginning with the August meeting, the church was blessed with quite a revival. Until about this time protracted meetings were almost unknown. Three days together were thought to be enough. At the September meeting, Bro. John Roe, a Methodist minister, united with Ten Mile; was baptized by Elder Lillard and licensed to preach soon afterwards and ordained on Friday before the second Saturday in May, 1842. Robert Elliston, James Landrum, and William Hendrix had some years previously been elected deacons, and Bro. John M. Merrill, clerk. Ten Mile was justly regarded as the mother of neighboring churches, with two ordained preachers, both in the prime of life and full of zeal. Roe still retained all his Methodist fire, and would often become so wrought upon as to preach all over the house in which services were held. We have no account of when he died. Beginning with the May meeting in 1842 occurred the most marked revival of churches of the association had yet realized. Congregations had filled the new house from 1840, and now began at Ten Mile one of the most wonderful revivals known before or since. Elder Lillard, the main mover in the work, was assisted by Joseph Crouch, P. H. Todd, John Roe, and Likely others. It was the custom in those days for all of the ministers present to take turns in preaching, as the case might demand and no one in particular to do all of the preaching. The greatest interest was likely in June. The crowds in attendance were so large, the meeting house would not accommodate them. Seats were prepared in a grove of sugar trees near the church, and here the day meetings were held. On one occasion at these services 36 persons were received for baptism. At the close of the protracted meeting about 200 were baptized. Others were received at church meetings afterwards until winter. Among those received in this revival we mention John Ringo and wife, Jonas Elliston and wife, Joseph Turley and wife, T. J. Turley, Edward Spencer, James Turley, Samuel Turley, William Clements and wife, M. J. William and wife, Dr. W. L. Richards, J. D. Elliston, Clayton Skiwin and wife, Newton Elliston, Joseph Elliston, William Green, E. J. Green, Milton Connelly, Thos. M. Lillard, and a host of others, many of them leading citizens Nearly all of these have passed away. James Turley, Sister Mary Elliston, Sister America Turley, Sister Elizabeth Spencer and one or two more yet remain. M. J. Williams was soon made clerk of the church, and in 1849 was elected clerk of the Association, a position he continued to fill for more than 20 years. He died in Glencoe, Ky, in 1896. 7. David Lillard’s Son, James James M. Lillard, the eldest son of David Lillard had moved with his wife to Lewis County, Missouri in 1833. He had commenced going forward in public in Kentucky, and was likely licensed to preach by Ten Mile. He soon founded a church in his new home and named it Ten Mile after the one he left in Kentucky. In 1845 he organized the Wyaconda Association, which has become one of the largest and most efficient bodies in Missouri. Elder Lillard founded church after church in this new West, and while his father was at work in Kentucky, he was equally active in Missouri. In 1849 he journeyed to the gold regions of California. Here he dug gold during the week and preached to the miners on Sundays for two years. On returning to Missouri, he continued to work for his Master until he went to his rest, October 10, 1896, aged 90 years. Ten Mile at this time (1842) numbered about 400 members. The revival continued to spread throughout the bounds of Ten Mile Association and others. Poplar Grove received nearly 200. At the Association, the letters from the churches reported an increase of 7532 by baptism, 46 by relation, and 20 restored. The Association increased from 472 the year previous, to 1,296 members. Elder Lillard was at this time in the full vigor of his manhood – stout and active, zealous in his Master’s cause, rich in this world’s goods. He owned a fine farm of 500 acres, best virgin land, a large number of blacks, and prosperity and success attended him in everything. He rode throughout the Association, preaching everywhere and did an amount of work, the results of which eternity will unfold. 8. Reaching Out – Verona, Glencoe, Warsaw, Oakland, Vine Run, Pleasant Home In 1840 a church was constituted near Verona, Boone county, Ky., named New Bethel. Bro. Lillard became the pastor. This church under Lillard shared in the great revival and received about 50 members. Lillard continued to serve them about 20 years. In the years that followed churches were organized at Oakland, Warsaw, Concord, Vine Run, Pleasant Home, Glencoe and other points, each drawing more or less from Ten Mile until in a few years he membership had dwindled to about 200. From 1842 to 1852, the church enjoyed several happy revivals and received many useful members, among whom we mention Henry Crouch, John Crouch, Hiram Elliston, James Spencer, Taylor Spencer and many excellent sisters, some of whom remain with us. In 1854, Elder Lillard, now about 72 years of age, gave up the care of Ten Mile and all other churches and retired from active ministerial work. At this request, the church called Eld. C. M. Riley as assistant pastor. Lillard, however, continued to preach as his strength permitted until January 30, 1861. He went to his rest full of days, riches and honor, aged 78 years, 2 months and 12 days. The aged soldier of the cross was carried to the house he had helped erect and where he had preached so long and after appropriate funeral services was laid to rest just back of the church, where a neat slab marks his grave. His faithful first wife had preceded him years before. Mr. Lillard was a man of great energy and perseverance, a Christian without a spot on his reputation, and a preacher of good, practical gifts. Though he rode thousands of miles to attend his churches and appointments, yet he steadfastly refused to receive any compensation for his services. It is supposed he baptized about 4,000 persons. He was by far the most influential preacher Ten Mile Association has had, and though gone more than forty years, his influence is still felt. 9. Elder Ambrose; other Circuit Riders In 1855 Elder Joseph Ambrose, from Estill county, Ky., became a member of Ten Mile church. He was born in Bedford county, Va., March 30, 1798. In 1808 his parents moved to Pulaski county, Ky. Afterwards they moved to Clay county. Here young Ambrose united with Elk Lick church, and was baptized by Elijah Gilbert. He was ordained to the ministry in 1827 by David Chenault and Thomas White. He did a good work and gathered several churches in these mountain counties. After he moved to Gallatin county he held meetings with Ten Mile church and at a school house about four miles east, where he soon succeeded in gathering Concord Church, constituted in August, 1856. In these meetings several persons of influence professed religion. T. J. Clements, Joseph Myers, E. N. Casey, U. C. Allphin and some excellent sisters were among the number. In 1857 Elder Ambrose was injured by the overturning of a cart, and so crippled that he had to ride a side saddle. He still continued to preach, and often attended four churches until age compelled him to desist. He died March 26, 1881, having predicted his death five days previously. His remains were laid in Concord cemetery, near the house in which he had preached so long and accomplished untold good. He "rests from his labors and his works do follow him." In 1859, Elder James M. Lillard, previously mentioned, paid a visit to the home of his childhood and held meeting at Ten Mile, Concord, and New Bethel. In all of these meetings great good was done. Several brethren and sisters united with these churches, some of whom still remain. Elder Lillard again visited Kentucky shortly after his father’s death and had some good meetings. At the close of Elder David Lillard’s work as pastor, Elder C. M. Riley, of Own county, was called and served the church one year. 10. During the Civil War In 1856, Elder J. W. Lee was called by the church and served several years. Up to the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861 quite a number were added to the church. Elder Lee discontinued at the close of 1863. The church called Elder J. W. Walldrop, who served four years. W. H. Williams, of Warsaw, was then called, who served the church one year. 11. New Building Goes Up In 1866 the church erected the house which still stands. The old house was hallowed by a thousand sacred memories, but it had served its day, and must go the way of us all. During the pastoral services of these last brethren several happy revivals were held and many members received, some of whom still remain, but some have gone home. 12. A Number of Different Pastors In January, 1869, the church called Elder J. Johnson as pastor, who served one year. In November, 1869, Bro. W. B. Crumpton, the missionary of the association, assisted the pastor in a two week meeting, during which some excellent members were received by the church, ten or twelve in number. At the close of this year the church fell into some confusion over the call of a pastor. A majority voted to continue the present pastor, but quite a number of the old members and some of the new ones voted to call Bro. Crumpton. The result was that neither brother would serve, and the church was several months without a pastor. In May, 1870, the church called Elder T. M. Gray, of Glencoe, who served the church about two years. The church then called Elder H. M. Harrigan, of Indiana, who served two years. Bro. Samuel Turley had been elected as clerk of the church some years before, and Robert Elliston and Dr. C. F. Violett, deacons. Up till this time, the church records say little about who were deacons. Bro. James Landrum and William Hendrix had served in this capacity, but as much of the minutes are illegible, no definite time of their election is found. At the close of Bro. Harrington’s second year, the church called Elder L. Johnson, who continued to serve the church about five years. On his resignation, the church called Elder Frank Baker, who continued to preach for them until the close of 1881. We will now go back over the pastoral work of these last brethren and note some items of interest. Several excellent meetings were held by them resulting in additions to the church by baptism or letter of excellent members. An arm of the church had been extended to Elliston Station, in 1876, and also to Glencoe about the same time. In April 1877, Elder L. H. Salin held a meeting at Glencoe which resulted in about 20 professions of conversion. The following members were received at Ten Mile in the May meeting by experience and baptism. Frank Williams, Dave Castleman, Daw Perry, and Sisters Bettie Williams, Jennie Castleman, and Mollie Carleton. In January 1878, the Baptist Church at Glencoe was organized and the above persons, with a number of others, went into the organization. Ten Mile passed an act to help them build a house of worship, the members contributing liberally to that end. Frank Williams has become one of the most prominent and useful ministers in Kentucky, well known all over the State. Dave Castleman is a rising lawyer at Burlington, Boone County, and has for some years been the efficient clerk of North Bend Association and active in every good work. 13. Deacons and Elders Harvey Ambrose and Hiram Elliston had served the church as deacons for several years. J. D. Elliston was soon after this date chosen deacon. F. T. Violett served as clerk several years, and after him Bro. W. O. Thomas. Bro. U. C. Allphin, Tine Lindsay, and others became members by letter. The church passed an act in 1880 to "become auxiliary to the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky in every respect." She has never rescinded this act. Though never contributing largely to the mission work, is in sympathy with every good movement. Bro Baker having resigned, the church called in January 1882, L. Johnson as pastor, who served for two years. In May 1882, William Dean, who had been an active member of the church fifty years passed away. He was a good man and the church mourned his death. In November 1882, Alfred Landrum was received by experience and baptism. He was in a few years elected deacon, James Landrum and William Hendrix, two of the best and worthy old brethren, were called home previous to this. They were deacons. In January 1885, the church called Elder G. W. Hill as pastor, who continued to serve the church until 1890. A number of the old members died in a few years. Milton Connelly, Samuel Turley and several faithful sisters. Perhaps the loss of Robert Elliston, known as "Uncle Bobby," was more deeply felt by the church than that of anyone else. He had served the church as deacon more than thirty years. He was a man of great force of character, quiet and peaceful in all his words and ways. He had strong common sense, and was a valuable disciplinarian in the church, possessing a salutary influence among the young people, his worth was felt and acknowledged by all. With all due respect for others, his place has never been entirely filled in the church. He died April 30, 1881. His son, J. D. Elliston, also a deacon, and much like his father, died in 1884. They were united in life, and in death were not divided. Dr. W. L. Richards died April 3, 1886, whose loss was deeply felt. His noble wife soon followed him. While these losses were sustained some excellent members were received. James H. Jones was received in 1885 and went to rest April 20, 1889. He was a good man and the church felt the loss. While these sad bereavements were occurring the church was visited by a most gracious revival in October 1885, when about twenty five were received for baptism, among whom we mention W. B. Hendrix, Frank McMillan, Joseph Turley, J. J. Richards, a number of good sisters, and Dr. C. C. Violett soon afterwards. Again in November 1887, a number more were received, but being mostly young people, they could not at once make up the loss. 14. More Pastors Called At the close of Bro. Hill’s work, the church called Elder C. J. Bagby, who served the church two years. The clerk, W. O. Thomas, having taken a letter, the church elected Bro. Charles C. Violett to fill his place. After Bro. Bagby, the church called Elder John Fisher, who served them only a few months. Dr. S. M. Adams, of Big Bone, Boone County, was called to serve the church in January 1891, and Bro. C. C. Violett, having resigned as clerk, the church chose Bro. Henry McMillam to fill the place. In September 1891, Bro. Swindler, of Covington, assisted the pastor in a meeting resulting in quite an ingathering, and again in October 1892, the same ministers were with the church in two weeks of happy services. Again in October 1894, a meeting of two weeks resulted in more than twenty additions to the church. In July the church chose Bren. Alford Landrum and David Ringo to the office of Deacon. At the close of 1894 Bro. Adams resigned and the church called Elder Wm. McMillan pastor. In October, 1895 the pastor and Bro. Crouch, of Ludlow, Ky., held a meeting which resulted in the best revival the church had enjoyed for several years. Twenty-five were received for baptism, among them Elijah Hogan, J. L. Hendrix and wife, Joseph Keffer, J. W. Lucas. H. M. Richards, S. C. Turley, Cam White, J. A. Turley and others. In October, 1896 the church was again blessed with several additions, among whom were Edward Groves and Phil Clayton. These revivals greatly strengthened the church; but many of the good old members passed away: John Ringo, W. P. Elliston, Newton Elliston, James Elliston, Neddie Spencer and many good old sisters. In October 1895m Sister Artie Turley, the daughter of the old pastor, David Lillard, was called home. A few weeks afterward her husband, T. J. Turley, followed her to part no more. Bro. Turley had frequently served as clerk and was a member of great usefulness to the church. At the close of 1896, Bro. McMillan declined to serve the church longer, and after some delay, the church unanimously called Elder Thomas. H. Coleman of Georgetown, Ky., to serve the church. Bro. Coleman accepted. In May, 1897, Bro. Elijah Hogan, Sr., one of the old and highly esteemed citizens, was received by experience and baptism, but in one month passed away. In October of this year Bro. Coleman held a protracted meeting with the church resulting in the addition of ten or twelve members, among which we name B. F. Furnish, a prominent citizen, Joseph Scott, John Chapman, C. S. Turley, and several others. At the close of the year Bro. Coleman resigned, and in December the church called Elder L. Johnson, who accepted in January, 1898. In October of this year Bro. J. S. Gatton, of Eminence, Ky., and the pastor held a two weeks’ meeting, in which several were received, M. J. Jones, a highly esteemed citizen among them, who passed away in May, 1900. In October 1899, Bro. R. C. Hubbard, of Ghent, helped the pastor in a successful meeting resulting in ten or twelve additions, among them, Wm. McKinley, Paul McNeely, Joseph Hendrix, Jr. Stanley Gibson, James Lillard, and others. L. Johnson continued as pastor for 1900, and J. L. Hendrix was elected trustee and treasurer. In January, 1899, Bro. Ralf Bright, who had been a member more than forty years, passed away, and left by will a donation to the church of one hundred dollars, a part of which was used to purchase a set of pulpit chairs, the center one of which bears a silver tablet engraved with his name. In October, 1900, a meeting of several days was held by the pastor and Elder J. A. Lee, of Covington, during which about twenty-five persons united with the church. Quite a number of these were excellent young men – James Lillard, Stanley Gibson, William McKneely, Paul McKneely, and others, with a number of young ladies and some heads of families. Several excellent members died or were dismissed by letter near this date. Daniel Ringo died January, 1897. Ralf Bright died January, 1899. David Ringo, one of the deacons of the church, took his letter together with his wife, in November, 1901, and moved to Poplar Grove. In September, 1900, Bro. Henry McMillan, who had served the church as clerk for several years, resigned, and soon afterwards, with his wife, took letters and moved to Williamstown. Bro. Albert Carleton was elected clerk in his place. In April, 1901, the church lost Bro. Willie Spencer, and one week later his mother, Sister Kate Spencer, son and wife of Bro. James Spencer, one of the deacons. Sister Sarah Carleton, the mother of the church clerk, passed away about this time, and Sister Susan Violett, wife of the venerable deacon, Dr. C. F. Violett, died, 1899. Bro. Henry Crouch, one of the oldest and most faithful members, failed in health, no more able to be with the people he loved. He lingered in great pain in February, 1902, when he went to rest.. He was a good man and liberal in all church expenses. The church still feels the loss she has sustained. The church in May, 1902, elected Brack Hendrix and Bro. Herman McKneely deacons. Bro. J. L. Hendrix was elected church trustee and treasurer. Bros. Jos. Turley had also served as trustee for several years. L. Johnson had still remained pastor. Several valuable members had taken letters and removed to other parts. In the fall of 1902, the church was again favored with a happy revival and work of divine grace. The pastor began the meeting and after several days was assisted by Elder O. M. Huey of Carrollton. About thirty-two additions were made to the church, most of them young people, but more than half young men – Fred Landrum, Byron Elliston, Wilson Spencer, and others. During the next winter several valuable members took letters, among them Albert Carleton, the clerk. Bro. Elijah Hogan was elected to fill the place. In August, 1903, Elder E. A. Howard, of Augusta, Kansas, and the pastor held a two weeks meeting, which resulted in twelve by baptism and five by letter, Bro. Irvin Jones and wife among the number. 15. Celebrating the Centennial In April, 1904, the church reached her centennial. One hundred years have rolled away since that little band of pioneers in the log house of Bro. Preston Hampton, about two miles north of Elliston Station, covenanted together as a Baptist Church of Christ. Where the dust, once their living bodies, rests, perhaps none can tell, but the church they planted and the doctrines they loved still live. There have been more than one thousand members received by experience and baptism by the church. About twenty-five deacons have been chosen and served the church. The ladies of the church and the neighborhood, several years ago, organized a Ladies Mission Society, of which Mrs. B. F. Furnish was elected President. The Society has continued to meet weekly, and have regular contributions raised and spent for various good purposes quite a neat sum of money. The Society still continues to flourish and prosper, and is an important branch of our church work. Sixteen ministers have served the church as pastor, two of whom have occupied more than one-half the time – Elder David Lillard and the present pastor. [43 and 14 years, respectively.] Four members are still with us who have been members fifty years or more – Dr. C. C. Violett, Sisters America Turley, Aunt Mary Elliston, and Sister Betsy Spencer, all worth soldiers of the Master’s cause. The church has sent out but few ministers, but those few have proven themselves mighty men of God. The only one living is Bro. J. F. Williams, of Versailles, Kentucky, whose worth is everywhere recognized. During the present summer the ladies of the church have reseated and beautified the house of worship at a cost of nearly four hundred dollars, which places it among the best and neatest in northern Kentucky. Grand old flock, move on, and when one hundred years more shall be numbered, may you still stand a monument for God and a light whose radiance is still undimmed. At the roll call in glory many names not mentioned in this brief sketch will be heard. To God be all the praise. Amen. |
We're pleased to reproduce here a small 20 page history published by the Ten Mile Church on the occasion of its centennial. The publisher was the Baptist Book Concern of Louisville, and the date is 1904. The author is the pastor at the time of the centennial, Rev. Lafayette Johnson, although he only refers to himself as “L. Johnson” in the text.
Persons interested in Gallatin County history should take special note of Rev. David Lillard. The man's accomplishments made him almost legendary in his own time, and the argument could certainly be made that no man has ever had a greater influence on the citizenry of Gallatin County.
This is the complete text of the book, including pictures, and the captions on those pictures. The chapter headings are ours, to break up the look of the text.