john uri lloyd

Florence, Kentucky Florence, Kentucky
Looking down what is
now US 42.  Christian
Church on the right

Corner of Main
and Girard, 1910


Florence, Kentucky Florence, Kentucky

Tollgate on early highways.
A word or two on Florence Tollgates is here.


Florence, Kentucky Florence, Kentucky

       The Florence Fair


Florence, Kentucky Florence, Kentucky

“The Road just before reaching Stringtown”


Florence, Kentucky Florence, Kentucky Florence, Kentucky
“The Hangman's Tree”
near the intersection at what
is now Camp Ernst Road and 18

One of Lloyd's book is about a
Jewish peddler from Florence
named Felix Moses.  This is Felix
Moses on his mule.

“Under the Old Locust Tree
of Stringtown.” Identities of
the five individuals are here


Florence, Kentucky Florence, Kentucky Florence, Kentucky

“Stringtown on the Pike”

“View of Stringtown”

“View from Stringtown Pike,
photographed by Mrs. J. U. L.”
 Name on the barrel is A. Scheben


On December 2, 1900, the Courier-Journal ran this feature story on Florence, and the background locations of Lloyd's novels.


All of the images on this page are used through the kindness
of the Cincinnati's Lloyd Library.  They're on the web, here.
