Petersburg Header

Petersburg Petersburg
Petersburg Christian,
On Tanner, between
1st and 2nd Streets

Petersburg Methodist,
On First, between
Market and Main

Both cards made by Wm. B. Conway, Aurora, Indiana 
Both cards have the name Mrs. Turney Barlow.  
The Methodist Church is “where Lillie's funeral was preached,” and
 the Christian Church is “where Josie's funeral was preached.”


Petersburg Petersburg
Petersburg Christian
Church, 1930
Petersburg Baptist
Church, 1930
Boone County Recorder, May 29, 1907
Baptists Buy Lot
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, July 28, 1914


Petersburg Petersburg
Petersburg Christian

Petersburg Christian,
by Caroline Williams,
c. 1950

The Christian Meeting House is on the National Register of Historic Places. It's application is here (pdf).



Methodist Church, Petersburg

“There is a wonderful religious excitement among the Methodists in Petersburg, Ky. Meetings are held day and night. Several converts, and about 60 persons have joined the church. The interest increases and it is not known when the meeting will close.” Brookville, Indiana's Indiana American, December 2, 1853

Petersburg School

Petersburg School
From a Facebook post by The Boone County Library Local History Dept.


Petersburg School

Petersburg School Construction
From a Facebook post by G. H. Neville

Petersburg Petersburg Petersburg

Petersburg School, c. 1919
Thanks to Norris Brown Lam for this one.

Public School, Petersburg 
(between 2nd and 3rd, on Market)


From a Facebook post by The Boone County Library Local History Dept.

“The Petersburg Graded School, built in 1910, was the best-preserved example of an early consolidated school. During the 1900s, consolidated graded schools gained popularity, and were being built throughout the United States. These were schools that housed grades one to twelve in one building and replaced the one- and two-room schoolhouses of an earlier period. A large, two-story brick structure, the Petersburg Graded School welcomed students for over 75 years. After the school district sold the building to the county in 1988, it was used as a community center until 2001. In 2003, after standing in the center of Petersburg for 93 years, the building was demolished to make way for the Petersburg Community Center, Fire House, and Chapin Memorial Library.” - The Boone County Library Local History Dept.



The Ed Burns All-Stars, said to be at the Petersburg School
From a Facebook post by Margaret Aylor Lovins


The Petersburg Academy advertises its 1830 term opening, here.


Samuel Youell, an African American man of Petersburg died without a will in 1872.  At the time of his death he owned two town lots, numbers 172 and 173.  The people of Petersburg petitioned the state legislature to use the lots to build a “colored school.” See Acts of Kentucky, 1882, Chapter 1019. More here.


For substantial portions of the Northern Kentucky Views Petersburg images,
 we are indebted to the E. Y. Chapin Library in Petersburg, and to Ms. Bridget
 Stiker, at the Hebron Branch of the Boone County Library
