Part 1  


Virtually all of the images on this page are through the kind cooperation  of Mrs. Ann Fillmore, and were previously published in Ryle
 High School PTSA's A Peek Into The Past: A History of the Union and Richwood Areas.   Thanks, Ann.


 Union, Kentucky

Entering Union, from Hathaway Road, circa 1910


Union, Kentucky Union, Kentucky

   An aerial view of Union, looking southwest, circa 1910
The image on the right is a key to what you're seeing in the image on the left.


Union, Kentucky Union, Kentucky

Union School, on Mt. Zion Road

School on Hathaway Road


Union, Kentucky Union, Kentucky

This is a hand drawn map of Union
by Mr. Tuffy Barlow,  and represents
Union as it was, circa 1925.

Union, 1883


Union, Kentucky Union, Kentucky Union, Kentucky
Main Street looking south,
From the hotel, that's the
Presbyterian Church in
the distance.
Main Street looking south,
same scene as left,
a little further south

Main Street
(today, a parking lot at the
corner of Mt. Zion and old 42).


Union, Kentucky Union, Kentucky
Union, in the early 1980's The S & S Service Center, 1963
“The Brightest Spot on US 42”


The City of Union is here
