
This large aerial photograph of Walton is from 1956.   As usual, clicking on the little images gets you
bigger images.  We've tried to overlap them a little so nothing gets cut by an edge.  The numbers
are on the original, and we've put the Times Star's key at the bottom of this page.

1. All Saints Catholic Church
2. Fireman's Picnic Ground
3. Walton Verona High School Gym
4. Walton Verona High School
5. Tie Factory
6. City Hall & Fire Department
7. Zion Baptist Church
8. First Baptist Church
9. Walton Christian Church
10. Walton Methodist Church
11. Walton Water Tower

This photo originally appeared in the Kentucky Times Star on April 23, 1956,
and is used here with the kind permission of their successor, the Kentucky Post.
