Rouse Brothers Flour Mill, 1903
on the east side of Main, across from Needmore
“Boone County. Walton: Work is
progressing finely on the new mill of Rouse Brothers.
expect to raise the frame in a few days. Dimensions of mill 75
feet long by 56 feet
wide. They will run two wheat mills and
one of corn, also, a large circular saw.”
from the Newport Local, February 6,
“If I ever met a man I didn’t like… really didn’t like… I’d give him a saw mill.” - A.M. Rouse
Tom Schiffer has written this short essay about the Rouse Brothers Mill.
White Fawn Flour, from the Rouse Bros.
From a Facebook post by Marybeth Rouse Arthur
Doc Mullin's Gas Station | Travis Dunn's or Charley Maloney's or Eddie Glass's, depending on the year in question (between Losey's and Mullins') |
Losey's Service Station from a Facebook post by John Denver Praither |
Losey Service Station Demolished in 1994 |
This was
Atkins Restaurant, Dr. Mann's Office, Dr. Maddox's office,
Jack's Barber Shop, a vacuum cleaner store, and more.
Just south of Model Foods, below
Model Food
(Model Foods does not date back to horse and buggy days)
a painting by Anneliese Wahrenburg
Model Food Store, or, earlier, Sebree's, or, still earlier, The Walton Opera House
right, Model Food owners, Charlie and Violet Praither
lower left, from a Facebook post by Emma Rich
The Frogstool Lunch Room changes hands, story here.
Janodo's 1 mile south of Walton on US 25, J. & E. Lewin, proprietors |