Bracken Maps

Bracken County, Ky   Bracken County, Ky   Bracken County, Ky
Created from parts of Mason and Campbell, 1797   Lost area to the creation of Pendleton, 1799   Lost area to Harrison, 1820
Bracken County, Ky   Bracken County, Ky   Bracken County, Ky
Lost area to Harrison, 1834   Gained area from Nicholas, 1844   Lost area to creation of Robertson, 1867
    Bracken County, Ky    
    Lost area to Pendleton, 1882    
Changes in the Bracken County Boundaries over the years. In addition to the changes mapped above, there were minor changes to accommodate property owners in 1844 (gain from Harrison), 1854 (gain from Mason) and 1864 (gained from Harrison). They also appointed some folks in 1848, to draw the exact line between Pendleton and Bracken.

bracken line

Hi-Port Augusta
Higginsport Augusta
Tietzville Bradford
Tietzville Bradford
In 1911-1914 the Corps of Engineers mapped the entire length of the Ohio River. You can see the whole thing, from Pittsburg to Cairo, at their web site. Clicking the maps shown here will take you to the appropriate Bracken County map at the Corps' site.

bracken line

Bracken County, Kentucky Bracken County, Kentucky
Bracken County, 1889 Bracken County, Kentucky, 1935
red lines are roads,  black lines are railroads

bracken line

Augusta, Tietzville, Foster, Wellsburg

Bracken County Augusta Augusta

 Bracken County Precincts

Augusta Precinct Augusta
Berlin Brooksville Brooksville
Berlin Precinct Brooksville Brooksville Precinct
Chatham Precinct Fairview Foster - Germantown Precincts
Chatham Precinct Fairview Precinct Foster - Germantown Precincts
Germantown Milford Patrons Patrons
Germantown Milford Precinct Bracken County Patrons

These maps are all excerpted from an 1884 Lake Atlas.  To learn about how to see the entire atlas, go here.

bracken line

1931 Topo 1931 Topo new
Two topographic maps from 1931. Mostly Brown County, Ohio, but Bracken at the bottom

bracken line

Census Tracts Census Tracts Census Tracts new
1909 map for 1910 Census 1920 Census Tracts 1926 map for 1930  

newCensus Tracts

Lenoxburg had its own Census Tract map in 1930.


Bracken County, Kentucky Bracken
These two maps were used to define the census tracts in 1940 (left) and 1950. The 1950 map was drawn in 1948. Note the small circle maps of Bracken towns at the bottom of the 1950 map.

bracken line

RFD Routes

Map of Bracken County RFD's, c. 1940.
What's an RFD? (Wikipedia)


1937 Flood Rennick Map
Not a very detailed Bracken County map, but note that it's from 1800. That's old, folks. Robert Rennick drew this map of the locations of obsolete Bracken County post offices.


Bracken County, Kentucky Bracken County, Kentucky
Bracken Geological Maps, 1926 and 1929


Augusta, 1895 Augusta, 1895 Augusta, 1895 Augusta, 1895 Augusta, 1895
These detailed maps of Augusta from 1895 are Sanborn Fire Maps, originally created to assist insurance companies assess risk for underwriting fire insurance, hence “fire maps.” These we've downloaded from the Library of Congress' site for Sanborns. There are more, earlier and later, both of Augusta and Brooksville, as well as some that are simply listed as “Bracken County.” Not all have been scanned as of this writing (August, 2018), but the Library's intent is to eventually bring them online. Stay tuned.


Set of 7.5 minute topographical maps covering Bracken County, from 1950-1953.
Moscow Felicity Higginsport
Foster (1953) Augusta East (1953) Augusta West (1952)
Berlin Brooksvile Germantown
Berlin (1952) Brooksville (1952) Germantown (1952)
Claysville Mt. olivet Sardis
Milford (1952) Sante Fe Southeast Corner

bracken line