belleview header 

Bellevue, Kentucky Highlands
The New Baptist Church, Organized April 12, 1904
Image on the left has more trees, no street light, but note the girls are identical in both images, in this 1910 example of plagiarism.
newThe plan to build a new Baptist church


Bellevue Baptistnew

A newer Bellevue Baptist going up, c. 1973
From a Facebook post by Cliff Wartman


Bellevue, Kentucky Bellevue, Kentucky
Foote Avenue, looking
South, 1909
Tornado hits the Lutheran
Church in 1915


Bellevue, Kentucky Sacred Heart Bellevue, Kentucky Bellevue, Kentucky
Sacred Heart
a.k.a.,  Herz Jesu Kirche. Upper left, church erected 1874,Upper right, church erected in 1892,center, church in 1974. (The tornado of 1915 blew off the steeple)

Sacred Heart, 1911, (for German speaking Catholics). The larger building was built in 1893 - that's the old church on the right.  These are at the corner on Taylor and Division.

 The Rev. Paul Ryan's history of the Sacred Heart Parish is here.

Sacred Heart is on the National Register of Historic Places.
The application (pdf) contains lots of images, history, and architectural details.
Sacred Heart's 1892 cornerstone laying. Sacred Heart's 1893 dedication, here and here.
Bellevue, Kentucky Bellevue, Kentucky
These two murals are from Sacred Heart, and are the work of Leon Lippert
 Copyrighted images used through the cooperation of the  Art Leaf  Publishing Company


The first St. Anthony's was established in 1889. Their first building had it's cornerstone laid in 1889, and was dedicated in October of 1899. It was quickly outgrown, and led to the current building:

Bellevue, Kentucky St. Anthony's
  The Catholic Telegraph, October 5, 1893

St. Anthony's, Bellevue
(for English speaking Catholics)

Saint Anthony's last mass was on June 22, 2003.  The program from that event had a history of the church, and you can read it here (pdf)
The second St. Anthony's building had it's cornerstone laid in 1893, and was dedicated on May 6, 1894.


Father Thomas McGrady

St. Anthony's Father Thomas McGrady was known nationally for his writings and his politics.
He was a Christian socialist, a writer, and a friend of Eugene Debs.[Wikipedia]

There's a bio of McGrady here. Wright State University has published this pdf about him.

McGrady eventually became a lawyer.

Rev. Paul Ryan's History of St. Anthony's, from 1954, is here.


Bellevue, Kentucky

Proposed Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church
Thanks! to K Sutkamp for this one.


Bellevue Methodist

New Bellevue Methodist Church
From a Kentucky Times-Star, November 10, 1910


Bellevue, Kentucky Bellevue, Kentucky
St. Johns Evangelical
Protestant Church, 1907
Pipe Organ, St Johns
Evangelical Church
“Erste Deutsche Ev. Protestantishe St. Johannes Kirche A.D. 1890”
(First German Evangelical Church of St. John, A.D. 1890)
The history of the Church of Saint John the Evangelist in Bellevue-Dayton is here.


History of the Bellevue-Dayton Church of Christ is here.

History of Bellevue's Trinity Lutheran Church is here (pdf).

The A. P. A. send out a leaflet warning Bellevue citizens of the dangers of “the Romish Church.” The A.P.A., the American Protective Association (Wikipedia), was an anti-Catholic group in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
