
Inverness at Fort Thomas Inverness at Fort Thomas Inverness at Fort Thomas
At Inverness, in 1900 Fort Thomas Bank, 1923
Grand opening was August 1,
1922.  It was the first bank
in Fort Thomas
Nagel's Store, near Inverness,
c. 1900. At intersection of what
is now Memorial Parkway and N.
Ft. Thomas Avenue. Al Nagel Shell
gas station was on this site later on.
Now is a city “pocket park”.


Inverness at Fort Thomas Inverness at Fort Thomas Inverness at Fort Thomas Inverness at Fort Thomas
The Fort Thomas Dari Delite,
northwest corner of Memorial
 and North Fort Thomas Avenues.
Street Scene, 1929.  Street was
called Dundee in those days.
looking North from Rob Roy.
That was once Feldman's on the right.

Thanks to Patty Stanger Ludwig for these three  pictures, taken by her Dad.

newBuilding boom at Inverness, 1910.

Inverness at Fort Thomas Inverness at Fort Thomas Inverness at Fort Thomas
Doc's Standard Oil Station
The building on the left was built behind
 the one on the right, replacing it.

Thanks to Patty Stanger Ludwig for
these two  pictures, taken by her Dad.
Doherty's Service Station
850 N. Fort Thomas Ave.


Fort Thomas Duplex Inverness at Fort Thomas
Inverness Duplex
November, 1939
The original plat for the Inverness subdivision
Thanks! to Reid Johnson for sending us this image


Fort Thomas

The Pleasant Hill Trolley stop


Fort Thomas Fort Thomas
Inverness Trolley Stop Sterling Avenue, looking west
Thanks to Patty Stanger Ludwig for this 
picture, taken by her Dad.
right, Patty Stanger Ludwig tells us: “The houses in the background are on Sterling Avenue. Next to those houses, the open lot behind the shelter is where the apartment buildings now sit. Two of them front on Memorial Parkway and two of them front on Sterling Avenue.”

newThey're building a new sub-division on the old Inverness golf course in 1910.

Inverness Inverness Inverness
1900 1903 1908
Inverness existed before the city of Fort Thomas. Remember Evens Street? Orinoco?


Inverness at Fort Thomas Inverness at Fort Thomas Inverness at Fort Thomas
Parade at Sterling and Rob Roy,
June 27, 1920. A little background
on this parade is here.
Thanks to Patty Stanger Ludwig for
this picture, taken by her Dad.
A streetcar heads up Memorial
Parkway Inverness
Thanks to Patty Stanger Ludwig for
this  picture, taken by her Dad.
Memorial Parkway wasn't
always a road for automobiles.


Last Day

The last runs of the streetcar were events. The Kentuckian is the lead car here, followed by a car of fans, August, 1947. From a Facebook post by Tom Taylor

  Campbell Frill Line