ohio river scenes

Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene 1937 Flood
Carrollton in the 1937 Flood

In any flood, water is of course very destructive, but it will recede.
The problem is that when it does, there's mud. Which turns to dust.

Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene
Distillery Building #1,
looking toward Prestonville
First Baptist Church,
1937 Flood
  photo by Miss Lena Seitzinger
Catholic Priest's Home
S. Fifth Street


Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene
Main & Court Court House Prestonville, Front Street,
under the bridge,  looking
south, likely on Mattick
East on Main
Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene
4th & Railroad 5th & Highland 3rd & Main 2nd Street
Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene
1st & Main
Elm Tree House
2nd, between
High & Main
Main Street
 between 4th & 5th
On Old US 42
Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene
Main at 5th Howe Brothers Aerial of Carrollton 5th & Highland
Carrollton Flood Carrollton Flood Carrollton Flood  
Court House Main Street Carrollton Farm and Implement  
Carrollton Flood Carrollton Flood 1937 Flood  
Gem Drug Store Mayor's Office    


Flood Scene

Prestonville, looking from the old bridge toward Milton.  That's Mattick Street going
 to left.  The old bridge approach was shorter than the current bridge. 
Thanks to Bill Davis for the pic, and the info.


Flood Scene

CCC Workers during the 1937 Flood
from L to R, Mr. Spencer, unknown, unknown, Jake Lee, Goldie Martin

Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene
Brim Furniture Store 1937  Flood in Carrollton Kentucky River Bridge, 1937 Flood. Note a house that has washed down Kentucky River.

carroll line

The Enquirer ran a story a week after the crest of the 1937 flood describing the effects along the river in Gallatin, Carroll and Trimble, which you can read here. R. M. Barker wrote a letter to the New York Times, describing the damage the 1937 flood brought to Carrollton, and you can read it here.
newAdditional accounts of the 1937 flood here and here.
An eye witness account of the 1937 flood, here. Cleaning up US 42

carroll line

Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene
near Sixth and Clay
 in the 1937 Flood
Sixth & Clay.  That's
 a C&W RR truck
N Side of Main,
near Court
Four Mile Road,
East of Carrollton


Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene
Looking West at Main and Third.  That's the|
Richland Hotel on the left, and on the right the
residences of Miss Mayme DeMint and the
Lacefields.  Clarence Marsh, photographer
'37 Flood on 7th Street, looking
down Sycamore, showing Second
Baptist Church and the Colored Lodge
Hall.  Photo by Mrs. B. G. Farrell
Waters receding on Lower Main,
photo by Miss Helen Supplee


Flood Scene
from the back of this wire service photo: “Houseboats and homes were covered by rising waters of the Ohio river Thursday, a few miles above Louisville.  The houseboats shown were completely submerged a few hours later, so rapid was the rise of water.” February 12, 1937.


Flood Scene Flood Scene

Main Street in the 1937 Flood


Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene

Carroll County Courthouse in the 1937 Flood


Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene

Downtown in the 1937 Flood


Flood Scene

How much greater was the '37 flood than its predecessors?  Lots.

Flood Scene
Thought to be the Road Dept. building beside the Kentucky River bridge in Prestonville. 

  Thanks to Bill Davis and Bill Banks for their help in identifying locations of some of these.


FLooding FLooding FLooding FLooding
1964 Flood, looking West looking east, by Growers Whse.
From a Facebook post by Donnie Hensley


new1997 Flood

March 19, 1997 Flood
A Courier-Journal picture

carroll line