
Glencoe, Kentucky                    Glencoe, Kentucky

Crouch Gas Service, 1957 & 1958

newCrouch Gas blew up on February 10, 1969.
Read the covereage from the Courier-Journal and the Kentucky Post.


Glencoe, Kentucky

Kinney's Store
Depot Street, Glencoe
That's Alma Joan Brock behind the counter, with Linda Mason


Glencoe, Kentucky

Glencoe Depot


Poland's Ashland
Poland's Ashland, 1969


Crouch Home W. P. Crouch Crouch Home
Crouch Home W. P. Crouch in front
 of his home on West
Howard Street
Crouch Home



This picture, c. 1927, was taken at the Crouch home above, looking toward the street.
That's a tobacco warehouse across Howard Street.  And the little girl in the
picture?  Audrey Crouch Spencer.


Glencoe, Kentucky
from the left, Luther Ellis, Lindsey and Kirtley Dorman, and W. P. Crouch


Glencoe bank robbed in 1959. Glencoe to get water system? Here.


Glencoe, Kentucky               Glencoe, Kentucky                   Glencoe, Kentucky

Albert Collins' Glencoe Hardware
1957     |   1959     |     1965
That's Mr. Collins the the center and left pics
Also in the left pic are Marvin Ray Collins, and Laura Janis Courtney


Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky Polands

G. H. Poland & Co
1957  |  1959    |  1965    |  1974    
You can see George Henry Poland in the far back of one of the pics.
The two girls shopping, left, are Janice VanHorn and Judy VanHorn

Richard Poland bought the store in 1901. His son George Henry Poland worked in the store his whole life. When he came back from WWII, he took over from his Dad and brother-in-law Albert Collins. That's when Albert took the hardware, feed, seed, and gas pumps up what is now Collins street and started Collins Hardware.


Glencoe, Ky

c. 1980, looking north


Eagle Tunnel
J. E. Landrum, photo,
May 3, 1998

Eagle Tunnel
J. B. Rail, photo,
April 12, 2021

  After years of trying to repair the tunnel under Eagle Tunnel Road, the railroad decided the only solution was to “daylight” it.


Glencoe, Kentucky

Glencoe in the Blizzard of January, 1977

The above picture was taken by the late Joe Morton, whose book, Fast Freight to Decoursey, details his career of running trains from Latonia to Louisville.  You can get it from the L&N Historical Society for $34, postpaid, PO Box 17122, Louisville, Ky 40217.  80 photos, 116 pages, softbound.  Recommended.

gallatin line