ohio river scenes

Warsaw Bar

This is the dredge boat Ohio, in October, 1884, cleaning out the channel at the Warsaw Bar, about a mile below town. Note how much of Florence, Indiana is visible. The 1937 flood will eliminate most of what you see on the shore. That line is the river is a wing dam (Wikipedia). It does not go entirely across the river, but only far enough to channel the current.


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
Riverfront, Warsaw
Image is from the Collection of the Public
 Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
Harold Brown and Whitney Payne
on the riverfront, 1910. That's the
City of Cincinnati at the wharf boat.


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
The Ohio River, frozen over at Warsaw
  You're looking South.  There's the Eagle  Hotel  
on the left, and the courthouse is behind it. 
 The building on the right is the old Baptist Church.
This is an old photo, taken from the Indiana side, 
of the farm of Mr. A. G. Craig.  Note the flatboat in the
river.  Today, there's a giant steel plant on the left.
Thanks to Mr. William Davis, Mr. Craig's grandson, for the above two images.


Warsaw, Kentucky



Warsaw, Kentucky

Warsaw, Kentucky
An icy Ohio River Warsaw Riverfront, 1964 The Guy L at Warsaw.  Note
 the coal conveyor on the left.


Ohio River Scene

Looking Across from Rising Sun

gallatin line

Remember when the Licking River flowed north to Hamilton, Ohio, and the Kentucky River turned northeast at Carrollton and headed for Cincinnati?  No? That’s because you were born after the last glacier left the area.  Read all about it, here.

gallatin line

Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
A Glimpse of Warsaw, Ky.,
from Indiana
An aerial view of Warsaw from Indiana.
Image is from the Collection of the  Public
Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County



The ice of 1917-18


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
These gentlemen stand on frozen ice, c. 1918.  A little more info on this picture is here. Thought to be looking south at the scene of today's Markland Dam.

gallatin line

“In the years 1838 and 1839 the river was lower than it had been known to be for years, and much lower than it has ever been since.  Then in the dug pass on the falls, the river was a no water mark, and on Warsaw bar there were 17 inches water.”  from Vevay's Indiana Reveille, October 2, 1851

The Rice & Dore Water Circus comes to town. It was a traveling show that went up and down the river on barges. A description of it from St. Louis.  
More info on the old and new Ohio River Locks and Dams is here. The Mail Steamers in 1880, here.
“On the splendid mail steamer Major Anderson, from Cincinnati to Louisville, we “rounded to” at Warsaw, Ky., just at dark and were greeted at the wharf by a score of motley individuals who met us to hear the latest news, and the first words that greeted us were demands for the Cincinnati Enquirer, for which our colored news dealer on board soon found a sale for a dozen or more copies.  When we remember the strong “Secesh” proclivity of the place where Humphrey Marshal has so long ago led the van, and where the State guard-arms were seized last summer, their particular literary taste may be accounted for.”   - from the Cincinnati Daily Commonwealth, December 27, 1861.
Pirate shot in Warsaw, 1889; the short version is here, much more detailed version is here. A page of steamboat links can be found here.
“The river is down to less than four feet by the channel marks and all of the big sidewheel boats have laid up.  The Big Kanawha, Lizzie Bay, Avalon, Courier - are now running - all light draught sternwheelers.  The bar at the dike at Florence, Ind. is giving trouble and the Bonanza was hung up there all Friday and until pulled off by the steamer H. M. Stanley on Saturday.  The Stanley was stuck on the Gunpowder bar Wednesday.”
  from the Warsaw Independent, October 1, 1904.

gallatin line