warsaw churches

Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky

This building was on the southwest corner of Main and First.  Built as a home for the Christian Church, it was later a one room school and served as the headquarters for the 20th Ohio Cavalry during the Civil War.  It was eventually purchased by the Methodists, who used it for a while, and eventually tore it down to build their present building on the location. But before the Methodists bought it, the Christians sold it to the city.


Warsaw, Kentucky



Warsaw, Kentucky



Warsaw, Kentucky

Warsaw, Kentucky
1905 Warsaw Christian Church.


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky “Elder B. Tiller baptized eight persons in the Ohio River, Sunday evening.”
From the Warsaw News of the 12th, reprinted in the Covington Journal, March 16, 1872
Rev. Benjamin Tiller (October 10, 1801 - July 23, 1878) was a significant figure in early Warsaw church history.

newThe Rev. Herb Tinsley served Warsaw Christian for 31 years, and was a state representative.

Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
Warsaw Christian Sunday School
Class, June 15, 1952. A list of who's
in the pictures is here.
Rev. Ray Miles and Mary Jane Rankin
in front of the Christian Church. We're
pretty sure Ray would want us to convey
his apologies for those pants.

Warsaw Christian was incorporated by the Kentucky Legislature in 1873. Twice. January 14. April 11.

Obituary of long time Christian Church minister, and state representative, Herb Tinsley.


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
Warsaw Christian Church Centennial, April 26, 1936
People on left, identified here; on the right, here.
(the next day, they all suffered from food poisoning)
Warsaw Christian,
April 4, 1936
newThe story of their Centennial celebration, with a history of the church.


gallatin line

The Warsaw Christians challenge the Warsaw 
Methodists to a debate, 1873.  Read the correspondence, here.

gallatin line

A short history of Warsaw's Mt. Zion Baptist Church is here, and here.

gallatin line

Warsaw, Kentucky

This picture is c. 1960, and is of the Consolidated Second Baptist Church.
It was originally built in 1851 as the home of the Warsaw Presbyterian Church but
has been a Black Congregation since the late 1800's.  “Consolidated” because there had
earlier been two Black Baptist Churches in Warsaw that merged in 1944.

gallatin line

Warsaw, Kentucky

Catholic Church Warsaw, KY
Rev. Paul Ryan's 1949 history of St. Joseph's is here.


Rev. Albert Ruschman

The Rev. Albert Ruschman also wrote a history (pdf) of St. Joseph's.
Image from Kenton County Library's Faces and Places


St. Joseph's

St. Joseph's. c. 1935

1912 mission at St. Joseph's

The Catholic Telegraph, October 28, 1920

     gallatin line

Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky

    Warsaw Methodist Church
Read a brief history of Methodism in Gallatin County here.

“NOTICE TO PARENTS: The pavement in front of the Methodist Church is being used by the young people as a skating rink, and the doors are being defaced by chalk.  We respectfully request that parents compel their children to desist from further defacement of said property and improper use of the pavement.  S. B. Robinson, Geo. H. Montgomery, S. P. Griffin, J. W. McDanell, J. H. McDanell, Official Board, Warsaw M. E. Church, South.”   from the Warsaw Independent, April 9, 1904.

gallatin line

An 1892 revival at the Methodist Church is going smoothly, and then . . .this.

Warsaw, Kentucky
An august looking group of  Methodist Men in Warsaw

Dr. Young
St. Louis Republic, January 23, 1902

“The beautiful new Methodist church is nearly finished and is a most handsome structure. It is expected it will be dedicated on Sunday, February 9.” Warsaw Independent, January 11, 1902

gallatin line

Warsaw, Kentucky

Warsaw Baptist Burns, November 20, 1973

Baptist Church


Warsaw, Kentucky

Warsaw, Kentucky

Warsaw Baptist Church
Thanks to William Davis for the image on the right

gallatin line

Warsaw Baptist minister has adventure buying his fourth marriage license, here.

newA Warsaw Baptist Christmas program.

gallatin line

newCamp Meeting
Covington Journal, July 10, 1869



Seen here is the first rule of a debate in 1844. If you have an interest in reading the entire transcribed debate - all 357 pages of it - we've posted a pdf of it: A Debate on Universalism Held in Warsaw, Kentucky, May 1844.

gallatin line

The Warsaw Baptists originally organized on July 29, 1843.  They bought the lot from John Robinson for $100, and hired a Mr. Cull to construct it.  It was brick, and cost $800.  They rented it to the Methodists in 1857 for one Sunday a month for $1 per month.  This first church was torn down in May, 1882, and the church you see above was erected on the site.

gallatin line

"Capt. William Crabby [sic - likely Kirby] recently gave to each of the churches of Warsaw twenty-five bushels of coal."  from the Covington Journal, January 11, 1873

gallatin line