christmas, 1959

Christmas Day, 1959 Rennick Map
Smith Distributing Company, 1954, on the southeast corner of US 42 and Center Street.

gallatin line

At 3:15 p.m. on Christmas Day, 1959, the building above very literally blew up.  17 people were hospitalized, 31 homes were ruined and one man, Jack Smith, died.

gallatin line

Christmas Day, 1959 Christmas Day, 1959
After the explosion Neighborhood houses damaged.


Christmas Day, 1959 Christmas Day, 1959

Home of Gilbert Hill; rebuilt as one-story home


Christmas Day, 1959 Christmas Day, 1959 Christmas Day, 1959
This home was 150
 feet from the blast.
Gilbert Hill home,
 east of the blast
This is Jack Smith's car, and all
 that was left of the building.


Christmas Day, 1959 Christmas Day, 1959 Christmas Day, 1959

Additional damage scenes


Christmas Day, 1959

The Mayor of Warsaw, Poland, sent his sympathy


Christmas Day, 1959 Christmas Day, 1959

Exterior and Interior of the home of Mrs. Pearl Brown


Christmas Day, 1959 Christmas Day, 1959 Christmas Day, 1959
Warsaw Furniture Factory The Otto Scudder home
rebuilt as a one-story house
Home of Mr. and Mrs.
Eddie Craig, E. Main

gallatin line

The author of these pages was sitting in Glencoe at the moment of the blast, and can personally testify that the blast could be felt across the county.   But then, reports of the explosion also came in from Elsmere, Carrollton and Williamstown, so Glencoe's not such a stretch.  The Kentucky Post & Time-Star's story is here, a few random notes are here, and the obituary of Jack Smith, who died in the explosion, is here.

newThe Courier-Journal's coverage of the blast.

The Gallatin County News coverage of the explosion is in their issues of January 7 and 14, 1960, and you can find those issues, and all the other issues since 1947, at this site.

gallatin line