
Corinth, Ky

Aerial of Corinth, 1949
Note that Rt. 330 and the railroad have both been subsequently moved.
From a Facebook post by Jack Phillips





Corinth, Kentucky Corinth, Kentucky Corinth, Kentucky
True's Motel, 1971 True's Motel, 1968 True's


Corinth, Kentucky

Hayden's “In the Hills”
south of Corinth

Corinth, Kentucky Corinth, Kentucky Little Rock House
The Little Rock Store, April 24, 1992
That's Daisy Angle.  She and her husband John ran a restaurant and gas station here that kept busy during pre-I-75 days
  From a Facebook post by Grant County PVA


newLake Pollywog

O'Neill Brothers, 1967
That's Marvin O'Neill in the picture
From a Facebook post by Donald Skirvin


Corinth, Kentucky Corinth, Kentucky Corinth, Kentucky
Charlie's Ashland,
at I-75, circa 1969

Johnny Young's Auto Service,
circa 1968

True's Service Station
from the Owen Electric Co-op Facebook page

grant line