
Carlsbad Springs Hotel Carlsbad Springs Hotel
Carlsbad Springs
Hotel, Office
Main Office, Carlsbad Sanitarium,
Dry Ridge  (note the pinups)

Jan. 16, 1917, to Miss Georgia Puckett, Stamping Ground, KY.  “Dear Georgia, I wish you could help me drink this delightful water. I still drink my 24 glasses per day, but can't see that I am benefitted by it.  I leave here Sun. so Owen can meet me in Cincinnati.  Hope your mother is well, love to all, Cordie.”


Carlsbad Springs Hotel

Inside the Bottling Works


Carlsbad Springs Hotel Carlsbad Springs Hotel Carlsbad Springs Hotel Carlsbad Springs Hotel
The Ladies Bath at Carlsbad


Sleeping Room at the Hotel


Carlsbad Springs Hotel Lobby


Carlsbad Springs Dining Room



Carlsbad Springs Hotel Carlsbad Springs Hotel Carlsbad Springs Hotel Carlsbad Springs Hotel
Dining Room of
the Carlsbad, 1921
The Office The Corridor Men's Bath

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