Devou Park

Devou Park Devou Park Devou Park
“De Vou,” c. 1910 Devou Park, circa 1910 Devou Park, circa 1910


Devou Park Devou Park Devou Park
Devou Park, circa 1910 Devou Park, circa 1910 Devou Park, circa 1910



De Vou


Devou Park Devou Park Devou Park
This new recreation
building was proposed
for Devou park c. 1930
View from Devou, 1942 The Ludlow Lagoon,
from Devou Park


Devou Park Devou Park Devou Park
Charming View of Devou
Park Drives, 1918
Scene in Devou
Park, 1943
Golf at Devou


Devou Housenew

Charles Devou House


Devou Park

The Old Farm Shelter House in Devou Park, which earlier was the farm house of Thomas Montegue
and family. The Devou family bought it in foreclosure & it eventually became the golf course
clubhouse. It burned on December 6, 1943. The current clubhouse is built on the same site.


Devou Park Devou Park Devou Park
Bridle Path & Rotary
Grove at Devou
Cincinnati from Devou,
a sketch by E. T. Hurley from a 1919
book of sketches by Hurley, with texts
by James Green; you can read Green's
text to this picture here.
The "Devoe" Fields
Golf Course, 1957

By all means, don't miss Rick Robinson's account of the Great Devou Park Alligator Hunt.

Devou Park   Villa Madonna
Devou, in 1932
Thanks to Nate Thamann for this one.
  Villa Madonna College, later Thomas More, attend the Holy Hour in Devou on the feast of Christ the King.


Devou Park Devou Park Devou Park
  Devou Park Band Shell  

40,000 people once attended a night concert in the Devou Park Amphitheater. They came to see
Dolly Dawn and George Hall, as well as radio personality Harvey Brownfield. Cheetah - of Tarzan
fame - starred here in the summer of 1952. The first band shell performance was on June 28, 1939.


The park was deeded to Covington on November 28, 1910. Dave Schroeder wrote a brief history of Devou at this site.
The eviction saga of Devou Park landmark Rufus Light from the park. In July, 1934, over 25,000 citizens attended a celebration on July 4th in the beautiful 526-acre city park (Devou Park) commemorating the 100th anniversary of the incorporation of the city.
5,000 people came to Devou for a community sing in May 21, 1921.  Egg Fight! at Devou, Easter, 1927.


Devou Park On the Water Wagon in Devou Park, 1912
"11-26-12 Friend Theodore, I thought I would send you a picture of your school chum. On the water wagon. This appropriate picture was taken in "Devou Park" Covington, Ky, a week before I left God's chosen spot. Have gained seven pounds since. Lee Schmitt"


Prisoners Lake

Prisoners' Lake
From a Facebook post by John Wilson


Prisoner's Lake

Prisoners' Lake
from the Behringer-Crawford

Devou Park Devou Park Devou Park
Fishing Derby at Prisoners' Lake, 1960
The story is here.
The Lake at Devou Park,
The Rock Crusher at
Prisoners' Lake Quarry

Prisoners' Lake takes its name from a 1916 action by the City of Covington that decided to get rock needed for the city's roads from a Devou quarry by drafting prisoners from the city jail to do the work.


Video from 1954 - Park Hills and Devou


Devou Devou
Charles R. Devou Charles father, William Devou, “Millionaire tenement owner”


1910 news story: Devou Brothers donate 500 acres. Why the donation?

And last but not least, William Devou, Covington slum lord, by Greg Hand at his Cincinnati Curiosities website. (“There’s A Sordid And Salacious Backstory To Beautiful Devou Park”)
