car dealerships


B. B. Hume's Automobile Garage, at 330 Scott. That's a Hupmobile (Wikipedia), on the 1916 Hupmobile United America Tour.


1937 Floodnew

You're looking down Pike, from Madison toward Scott. That's M. L. Swetman and Sons on the left, selling Nashes. John Hanauer is selling Ford's on the right, and Covington Buick is in business straight ahead at 620 Scott. In the 1937 flood.



The 1945 Covington City Directory lists a Louis Meyer Motor Company, a Packard dealer, at 114 E. 7th. There's no Covington Motor Company listed. Same place? Don't know. Also, there's more than one town named Covington, so this one's iffy.


Covington, Ky

This one's not iffy. That's the Packard dealer, Louis Meyer Motors, on the left, at 114 E. 7th. c. 1930's
From a Facebook post by James Russell


Covington Auto Dealerships

Kentucky Motor Car Co,1921
323-329 Scott Street


Covington Auto Dealerships          Covington Auto Dealerships

Rockcastle Oldsmobile-Cadillac
2300 Madison Avenue, Covington 
Cadillac and Oldsmobile Sales and Service 
Modern Facilities for complete automobile
  repair and rebuilding. 
Used Cars - 2319 Madison Avenue

Covington Auto Dealerships Covington Auto Dealerships Robke
Seiler Motor Company, 1955 
14th & Madison-Covington, Ky
New Cars-New Trucks-Used Cars
Used Trucks-Recapped Tires 
50,000 sq. feet on one floor  1 full block 
Service Station-Hours 6 A.M. to 12 P.M. 
Tires and Wrecker Service 6 A.M. to 12 P.M. 
Modern equipment for complete service
The Robke Chevrolet Co, 1957
14th & Madison Ave,
COVINGTON, KY Phone HE 1-3733
Locally owned by Ralph G. Robke
A full city block with modern
equipment for complete service.
Promotional piece
for Robke, c. 1960


Covington Buick
425 Madison

Covington Auto Dealerships

Rice Pontiac 
1722 Madison Ave., Covington, Ky 
21 E. Third St., Newport, Ky 
Covington Salesroom Phone CO 1-4224
New Cars-Used Cars
Dollar for Dollar - You can't beat a Pontiac


Reed Murphy Reed Murphy Reed Murphy
April, 1951 June 1954 October, 1959
Reed Murphy had several different car dealerships in Covington at one time or another.
