Madison Avenue


Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky Program
Fifth and Madison The Odd Fellows Building,
festooned for a big day,
An 1859 Benefit Program
at the Odd Fellows Hall

Here's the application for the Odd Fellows Building to be on the National Register of Historic places, complete with photo's, history, and maps.


Madison Avenue

Madison, looking north, from Fifth


Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky
North on Madison
 from Sixth Street
North from Pike Street North from Pike Street

Madison Ave

North on Madison, 1892


Madison Ave

North on Madison, 1896


Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky



Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky

Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky
Madison, North
 from Fifth
Looking South
toward Pike,
c. 1930

Looking South
toward Pike,
c. 1930


Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky Madison Avenue, Covington, Kentucky
Madison, looking
South from Fifth
Madison Avenue,
South of Fifth
Madison Avenue

Weaver's Restaurant and Oyster House was at 636 Madison. 
Their menu is here.
