Covington, Kentucky high Schools

Holmes Castle

The Holmes Castle
Read more about the man after whom Holmes is name, D. H. Holmes, and his castle.

Holmes Castle,
From a Facebook post by Matt Martin

kenton line

Covington, Kentucky High Schools Covington, Kentucky High Schools Covington, Kentucky High Schools Covington, Kentucky High Schools
1930 Holmes High School note the old Holmes Castle
in the background



Holmes, c. 1930's


Covington, Kentucky High Schools

July 10, 1939 to Mr. B. J. Anderson, 823 E. 27th st, Indianapolis Indiana:
“Dear Daddy, Mumser bought me a piar [sic] of pants today. I gave her a sewing box
for a birthday present. I'm ok, how are you? Grandad gave me a quarter. 88's, Eric”

kenton line

Before Holmes, the Covington High School, shown
below, was at the NE corner of 12th & Russell.
It was here from 1886 to 1918

Covington, Kentucky High Schools Covington, Kentucky High Schools Covington, Kentucky High Schools Covington School Covington, Kentucky High Schools
Covington High School

Dave Schroeder wrote about the pre-Holmes Covington High School at this site.


High Schoolnew

The old high school from the back. 11th and Russell, looking southwest
From a Facebook post by Dr. Richard Cardosi, from Carl Lietzenmayer

Covington, Kentucky High Schools Covington, Kentucky High Schools Covington, Kentucky High Schools

High School,

High School,
High School,
Covington, 1907 


Covington, Ky

Holmes Field, 1939, before it was named for Tom Ellis

“Tom Ellis was a 1928 graduate of Western Kentucky University, where he was a 4-year starter at tackle. He began his career in coaching as the head coach at Bardstown High School in 1929, and coached there through the 1943 season. He left to become an assistant coach at Holmes under coach Dave Evans in 1944, and Ellis took over as head football coach at Holmes in 1947 where he coached until 1966. Ellis won a mythical state championship in his first season as head coach, going unbeaten and untied, and being voted the coach of the year by the Courier-Journal in their poll of Kentucky state high school coaches and sports writers.” -


Covington, Kentucky High Schools

Shorthand Class


Covington, Kentucky High Schools Covington, Kentucky High Schools Covington, Kentucky High Schools
Shorthand and Typewriting A Class in Cooking Manual Training
From the 1914 Covington Centennial Booklet are these three high school pictures:

Covington,Kentucky Schools

Lincoln Grant High School, 1932

Volume 1, Number 1 of the Lincoln-Grant Herald (pdf).



Asa Drury, First Covington High School Principal

 kenton line

A word about the Holmes slave tunnels leading to the Licking River is here.

kenton line