Motels in Erlanger, Kentucky

Erlanger, Kentucky Motels Erlanger, Kentucky Motels
L - K Motel, Erlanger Airport Inn
 Int. 75 and Airport Road, Erlanger


Erlanger, Kentucky Motels Erlanger, Kentucky Motels Erlanger, Kentucky Motels
The Family Motor Inn,  I-75 and Airport Road, Erlanger


Erlanger, Kentucky Motels

Howard Johnson's
630 Commonwealth Avenue
147 Luxurious Rooms, Color TV, Heated Pool, Restaurant, Cocktail Lounge
Meeting Rooms, Free Airport Courtesy Car, 5 Minutes to Airport, 10 Minutes
to Downtown Cincinnati, Free Local Phone Calls, Thermo-Sol Unites.
Entertainment Nightly


Best Western

Best Western in Erlanger


Erlanger, Kentucky Motels Erlanger, Kentucky Motels Erlanger, Kentucky Motels
Erlanger, Kentucky Motels Erlanger, Kentucky Motels Erlanger, Kentucky Motels Erlanger, Kentucky Motels

Kenton Manor Motel
"One of Kentucky's Finest"
US 25 and US 42 Erlanger, Ky.
8 Miles South Downtown Cinti, O.
3 Miles from Cinti. Airport.
21 Ultra Modern Units
Each, T.V. - Air Conditioned - Telephone
Playground - Guest Lounge - Colored T.V.
Private Exchange DIxie 9004 Box 117
Mr. & Mrs. George Boehm Owners - Managers

Once owned by Bobby Tranter and managed by Helen and Joe Fichlie.

kenton line