hog butchering

hog butchering hog butchering
Clutching, Slaughtering & Bleeding, Scalding-Vat, and Picking Scraping & Shaving, The Gambrels, Disemboweling & Washing
Read the detailed description of these two processes, here.


hog butchering hog butchering
Drying Room, Trimming Table Cutting Block, Trimming Tables
Read the detailed description of these two processes, here.


hog butchering hog butchering
The Curing Tables Lard Rendering, Pressing,
and Stream Lard Table
Read the detailed description of these two processes, here.


The above images are from Harpers Weekly, September 6, 1873. They are from paintings by
Henry Farny. Farny, who lived in Covington at one time, is more widely known for his depictions
of Western American scenes. I've associated these scenes with Covington's Milward & Oldershaw,
but I have no evidence as to which of greater Cincinnati's many hog butcher's these scenes actually depict.
