boys band

Maysville Boys Band Maysville Boys Band Maysville Boys Band
Horseshoe Band Leading
Webb Commandery  No. 2
State Conclave of 1922
The Maysville Boys Band
“Wonder of the Age”

Boys Band
Billboard, October 14, 1922

Maysville Boys Band Maysville Boys Band Maysville Boys Band
Maysville Boys Band, 1919 unknown year


Boys Bands

The Boys Band Stand on Market

Maysville Band Band

Haymaker's Band, Maysville
Key to names
From a Facebook post by Bradley Matthew

c. 1920 on Market


Maysville Boys Band

“Maysville, Kentucky boasts of two Boys Bands.  This is the little band, our horseshoe band.  Organized October, 1920 under the direction of that famous director George D. Barnard, and J. Barbour Russell, its manager.”

Mason Line

“Beginning this evening and continuing one week, a strawberry supper will be given at Heisers’ European Hotel for the benefit of the Soldier’s Monument Fund.  Haucke’s Reed and Brass Band has kindly consented to furnish music, and will play this evening.  They will play in front of the hotel before the entertainment begins.”  Maysville Evening Bulletin, 1883

Mason Line