
Simon Kenton Bridge Welcome


Simon Kenton Bridge Simon Kenton Bridge Simon Kenton Bridge
The Simon Kenton
Bridge opened
 on November 25, 1931
Birds eye view of Maysville,
 from Kentucky side
Maysville-Aberdeen Bridge, 
published by the De Nuzie
Bookstore in Maysville


A & P

Aberdeen heads for Maysville,c. 1950's
From a Facebook post by the Augusta Kentucky Historic District



Great photo of the bridge by Michelle Shelton Poole


Waterfall Simon Kenton Bridge
1978   Before the current locks and dams.


Simon Kenton Bridge Simon Kenton Bridge Simon Kenton Bridge Simon Kenton Bridge
Simon Kenton Bridge, 1953
unknown year Bridge Dedication (Governors of Ohio & Kentucky)


Simon Kenton Bridge Simon Kenton Bridge Simon Kenton Bridge
Simon Kenton Bridge
Simon Kenton Bridge
Simon Kenton Bridge, 1933


Simon Kenton Bridge

Maysville Aberdeen Bridge, 1934
from the US Army, Chief of Engineers

Mason Line

Maysville's Daily Independent, on November 25, 1931, the day the bridge opened, ran these stories:

Bridge Thrown Open How the Bridge Was Built Ferry Service History
Frank M. Masters Merchants Decorate with Model Bridges

Cincinnati Enquirer's story on the opening of the bridge.

Mason Line

Wikipedia's page on the Simon Kenton Bridge is here.

The Simon Kenton Bridge was originally a toll bridge.  It cost 55 cents for an auto
up to 1943, when the fee went down to 40 cents.  Pedestrians were charged a nickel.
The bridge was “freed,” i.e., all tolls were removed, on January 1, 1946.

You can read a history of the bridge from their application to be on the National Register of Historical places in a pdf here.

Mason Line