
Tobacco to Market on Forest

Tobacco to Market on Forest
From a Facebook post by John Brodt

Mason County Tobacco Maysville Tobacco
Mason County Tobacco Selling the Crop, 1910


Mason County Tobacco Planting Tobacco in Kentucky Mason County Tobacco Mason County Tobacco
Tobacco Beds

Planting Tobacco in Kentucky

Mason County Tobacco
The women on the
right are “worming,”
a.k.a. “suckering.”

For a relatively brief overview of the tobacco cultivating process, try this site.

For how they grew tobacco in 1845, there's this.


The sound of a tobacco auctioneer


37 Flood

Breslin Warehouse after the 1937 Flood


Mason County Tobacco Maysville Tobacco
The Home At the top of Lexington
Street, at Forest


Mason County Tobacco Mason County Tobacco Mason County Tobacco
Various Tobacco Warehouses, 1910 On a warehouse floor, 1913 Inside the Home Warehouse

Mason Line

More recent pictures from a Maysville Warehouse of employees on the job are here.

Mason Line

Mason County Tobacco Mason County Tobacco Mason County Tobacco
Tuckiho Tobacco
Warehouse, Maysville
 “room for 150 wagons inside”
The Tuckiho opened in 1909

Inside “Home
 Tobacco Warehouse”

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco
 Re-Drying Plant, on the
L & N Railroad, Maysville


Tobacco Duke Warehouses Tobacco
H. B. Best, 20,760 pounds, February 8, 1943
From a Facebook post by Duke Ford
Building Duke's Warehouses, 1929
From a Facebook post by Duke Ford
At the Duke Warehouse
From a Facebook post by Duke Ford


Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco

At the Duke Warehouse
From a Facebook post by Duke Ford

Awaiting unloading Going to Market, with oxen



Planter's Warehouse, earlier the Tuckahoe
At the top of Union Street
From a Facebook post by Ron Bailey



Fire at Growers Warehouse
From a Facebook post by Ron Bailey


Reynolds Mason County Tobacco Mason County Tobacco Heizers
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco, later, Parker Tobacco Co.

World's Largest Tobacco Warehouse, circa 1914
Thanks! to Regina Stewart for this image

J. B. Heizer Tobacco Co.


Mason County Tobacco

Map of Maysville Tobacco Warehouses, circa 1930
At the peak, there were 16 tobacco warehouses in Maysville

Mason Line

Peoples Warehouse history is here. History of the Maysville tobacco market is here. State of the Maysville tobacco market in 1935 is here.
A list of all the tobacco warehouses from 1950. The 18 tobacco warehouses of 1937. Gray's Tobacco Warehouses
A Cincinnati Enquirer article in 1884 proposes to talk about the history of tobacco in Cincinnati, but spends the first column talking about the history of Maysville's tobacco markets. Here.

Mason Line

Mason County Tobacco Mason County Tobacco Mason County Tobacco
American Tobacco Company Gray's Liberty Warehouse,
Commerce and Third


Mason County Tobacco Kirk and Breslin Growers Warehouse Mason County Tobacco
Kirk & Breslin at
Lexington & Third
From a Facebook post by Sanford Parker Growers, #1 Warehouse

Mason Line

These are all items from the Tobacco Wars of 1908 of so. If you're unfamiliar with the background of the night riders and the tobacco wars, we suggest starting here.

Kreitz and Longnecker warned. Kreitz yielded to night riders; Longnecker did not, and gunfights followed.

Longnecker situation “ very acute.”

Mrs. A. C Respess finds an empty grave in her tobacco bed, here.
Ben Loud, near Maysville, is hit by night riders, here.

“The American Tobacco Company has placed a Gatling gun on the roof of their warehouse in Maysville, Ky., to prevent night riders burning the building. Men will be constantly on guard and work the gun if the night riders appear.” The Plymouth (Ind.) Tribune, March 19, 1908

Night Riders alleged to be from Maysville hit tobacco beds in Brown County, Ohio. Here. Twelve masked night-riders surrounded the home of James Devon a member of the tobacco pool, near Shannon, Kentucky, Sunday night and fired several volleys through the windows. No one was hurt, The night riders gave warning that they would return. Devon has armed himself and barricaded his house.” Sacramento Union, October 12, 1909, which almost certainly has mis-reported that Devon was a member of the pool. Pool members didn't get attacked.
B. F. Clift had his letter in defense of opposing the night riders in the Courier-Journal on March 3, 1908. A logical and reasoned rebuttal, from Dover's M. A. Lloyd, appeared in the Courier on the 20th. Also on the 20th was a note that there had been a grave dug on Clift's farm as a warning.
The Courier-Journal looked back at the Night Riders in this 1944 article. One Mason farmer brings in a cannon to protect his crop.
Fred Adams warned to pool his tobacco.
Sardis' Joshua Rees encounters Night Riders. Tobacco farmers declare victory.

Mason Line

“Maysville Bulletin: A sample of white tobacco [burley], which we have been shown, grown on the farm of Mr. H. C. Morgan, of this county, is thirty-two inches in length, silky to the touch, and of a bright gold color. He planted last season forty acres, which produced something over 60,000 pounds, all of which will compare very favorable to the example. Dr. Morgan's crop is, however, an exception, as unfortunately a large proportion of the tobacco of the last season is heavy, of a dark color and of an inferior quality generally.” Courier-Journal, November 17, 1875

Mason Line

An article on Maysville's tobacco industry from 1910 is here.

Mason Line