Ccurt House
(and a poem)


Falmouth, Kentucky

Falmouth, Kentucky


Falmouth, Kentucky

Court House, Falmouth, Ky.
right is 1915


Falmouth, Kentucky

Court Day, circa 1912



Unknown Event at the Court House

Falmouth, Kentucky
  Pendleton County Court House
 The Court House was built in 1848, and 
remodeled in 1884 (when they added the Clerk's Office, and the bell and clock tower) and again in 1975 (when they sandblasted it and added a section on the back). This image is March 30, 1941


Pendleton County Court House,1940
“ to Mrs. L. Cram, R.R.5, Falmouth, KY
Dear Mrs. Cram, Mother would like to have 2 or 3 settings of eggs when ever you have them.  Come down spend day with me, is it hot enough for you? It's getting the best of me. How is your chicks? We are having lots of fryers.  Love, Anna ”
  Falmouth, Kentucky


Winter, 1942


The original court house in Pendleton County was a stone structure built in 1798, and was replaced by the building seen in the above views.


Falmouth, Kentucky

The 1949 Fiscal Court Members
Bottom Row L-R,   Lawrence Moore,Ed Kidwell, Bob Thompson, County Judge Earl Cummins, Mager Bishop
Top Row L-R, Thurman Anderson, Wreford McNay, Harry S. Bowen, Chester Wells, Sherman Allender.

Thanks to Brian Gregg for this one.


Fire Truck Falmouth
Thanks to Greg Justice for this one.
Falmouth VFD, 1981 Parade
Thanks to Greg Justice for this one.


Falmouth, KY Falmouth, KY
1969 Falmouth Fire Truck

“Falmouth's New City Hall, Fire Truck”
caption from the February 13, 1953 Falmouth Outlook


Morgan, Ky

Falmouth Fire Department, a 1952 GMC
From a Facebook post by Greg Justice


Irish Mob
The Daily Dispatch (Richmond, VA), June 17, 1852


The Daily Dispatch (Richmond, VA),September 3, 1858
There was tax payer revolt in 1877. Seems like citizens thought the government was doing too much self serving. Details here. “Falmouth is erecting a work-house on the Public square north of the court-house, and will hereafter utilize criminal labor in the way of working streets and breaking rock.” Courier-Journal. May 19, 1872


Falmouth, Kentucky

We just post'em, we don't explain'em.
