Jno. W. Peoples Dry Goods is on the left (caskets available upstairs),
The telephone exchange was in the business on the right, and
that's Edna Pettit in the doorway of her millinery in the center.
Same Scene as above from Facebook posts by Jim Deaton (left) and Denny Lipscombe (right) |
Central Hotel, Butler
Those two young ladies in the upper window may give us a clue as to some of the hotel services.
from a Facebook post by Greg Justice
C. B. Stith | C. B. Peoples | Moore and Thomas |
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, September 30, 1881
Clermont Courier, December 8, 1886
Berlin Hotel, Butler | Village Blacksmith, note the bridge in the background. c. 1910 |
Butler Mercantile, 1967 a.k.a. The Locker |
From a Facebook post by Rebecca Ernstes
with Jim and Charles Stilwell, and Willa and JoAnn Flairty
Butler Garage from a Facebook posting by Buck McClanahan |
Butler Deposit Bank Established October 3, 1892. |
Sugar Camp, near Butler, 1913 |
New Bank coming to Butler? Read more here.
Myers & Co. on Flour Creek From a Facebook post by Roger Bray |
1903, Original Fulton Distillery
From a Facebook posts by Ben Wolfe
Old Dexter Distillery
From a Facebook posts by Ben Wolfe
Exterior of the Distillery, on the left. Sawmill to the right. | Aerial showing Distillery locations |
From a Facebook posts by Ben Wolfe |
“This is a fermenting tub, possibly being used as a "slop tub" (what remains of the mash after the distilling is done). The fermenting tubs are larger than a barrel used to store the whiskey. The guy is holding a mash paddle that was used to stir the mash as it was fermenting. I also just noticed the chain and 2 padlocks, on the door. The distiller had the key to one lock and the government storekeeper had the key to the other. It was intended to make sure no one person could access the distillery alone. It was the governments way to make sure they could accurately track the amount of whiskey that was made, so they could collect the taxes.” Ben Wolfe, writing on Facebook |
Singleton's From a Facebook post by Russell Whitson |
J. M. Blades, MD From a Facebook post by Derek L. Browning |
Maysville's Daily Public Ledger, December 11, 1909 |
Hazel Green Herald, June 14, 1900 |
Maysville's Evening Bulletin, November 4, 1904 |
Maysville's Daily Public Ledger, August 25, 1898 |
Paducah Evening Sun, September 20, 1906 |
Cowles | Myers & Co. (above) | Ducker |
These are Sanborn Fire Maps of Butler Distilleries from 1910. We note that Cowles and Myer's each have hog pens. It was common for distilleries to also be in the livestock business, because the distilled grain, after it was distilled, made a cheap feed for the animals. The Ducker Distillery doesn't show animal pens, but it does show a cooperage, where they made their barrels. |
Butler Mills, 1898 | C. C. Hagemeyer & Mill More on Hagemeyer, here. |
Map of the Hagemeyer Mills How to see the entire map, here. |
Reasons for the decline of the mill are in this story but later that year we get this. |
“Ten of fifteen thousand logs arrived at the Boston boom during the recent rise in the Licking. This will insure
two or three months' work for the villagers.” Courier-Journal, July 14, 1876, quoting the Falmouth Independent
At Boston, Kentucky, the booms of the Licking River Lumber Company were broken by the sudden
rise in the Licking, and from one thousand to fifteen bundled logs were washed away. A rise of
twenty-three feet at the headwaters of the Licking was reported yesterday.
Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 46, Number 7093, 27 December 1873
Griffin Industries, Butler | Griffin Industries, Butler That's Elwood Orr on the truck |