
Bedford, Kentucky

Aerial View of Bedford, 1916

Looking down north West Street.  It was taken from the roof of Mrs. Roxie Wyatt.  That's Dr. J. W. McMahon's barn in the foreground, and Peak's pasture on the right. The church spires are from the Baptist, Christian and Methodist Churches.


Bedford, Kentucky

The Marathon station Bennie Mershall and Arthur Cutshaw operated in the 60’s.
From a Facebook post by Bob Boyd


Bedford, Kentucky Bedford, Kentucky Bedford, Kentucky Bedford, Kentucky
West Street, looking North. 1916 Main Street, looking North, 1916 Bedford
more info on this scene is here.
South Side of Courthouse, 1916
That's the Fielding and
Lydia Adams Home


Bedford, Kentucky Bedford, Kentucky Bedford, Kentucky
Trimble County Jail
That's Harry Webster,
the Town Marshall
Harry Dare Morgan,
Bedford Post
Office Dedication

Bedford, Kentucky

Fire in Bedford
Bedford's experience with devastating fires has not been good. A history of Bedford fires is here (pdf).
Wire Photo from The Daily Illini, February 26, 1936.

newSnow Scene

Bedford, 1915


Snow Scenenew

Snow Scenes, 1914


Commercial Tribune, November 8, 1914



Bedford Fairgrounds (hence, Fairground Road)
From a Facebook post by Bob Boyd


Water Tower

Water Tower, 1966


Bedford, Kentucky Bedford, Kentucky
This picture appeared in the May 30, 1969   issue  of Look magazine.  They were complaining about the passing zone over a hill crest, “near Bedford, Ky.,” on US 421. Bedford's Eliza Parker's muffin recipe
was featured in this ad from an 1892 issue of The Congregationalist.

Bedford Hill

Bedford Hill

Milton, Kentucky

A fascinating view of the sales of an 1853 Bedford general store ledger is here.

“Newton Lane is the contractor for carrying mail from Louisville to Bedford, Kentucky,  forty miles, once a week, at a compensation of one hundred and twenty dollars per annum.”from the Public Documents of the 23rd Congress, December 1, 1834

“Bedford, in Trimble county, has organized a turf association, and is preparing a track which will soon be ready for use.” Courier-Journal, September 15, 1874
new1839 law authorizes Bedford to re-configure its streets. newWild Man
Cincinnati Daily Star, July 11, 1879
A 1926 history of the Bedford Women's Club is here. “Miss Dora Isaacs, pianist at the opera house, has returned to her home in Bedford, Ky., for a few day, when she will return to Madison for the opera season.” Indianapolis Journal, October 1, 1893
Bedford became an official town by this act of the Legislature, on February 6, 1816. The second half of this statute allows Bedford some leeway in handling it's streets.
The Bedford Turf Association forms. Pistol battle on the streets of Bedford.
“A company of sixty home guards, from Lagrange, visited Bedford, Trimble county, yesterday, and took possession of forty seven stands of arms, which had been in the hands of the State guard there.”  from the Daily Wabash (Ind.) Express, October 7, 1861  “Madison, Ind., June 17. – The rebel force in Trimble county took possession of Bedford, Ky., the county seat, to-day, capturing the Provost Marshal and others, and threatened to hang the Provost Marshal at last accounts. Bedford is ten miles south of this place.”  Evansville Daily Journal, June 18, 1864
Bedford's Sabe Devine, a black-hearted man of Bedford. Also here.

Col. Gray comes to Bedford. Wreaks chaos.

An unknown correspondent reminisces to a friend about missing Bedford, here (pdf) An 1873 account of the Bedford Springs Mineral Water Resort is here.

The man who first settled Bedford was Richard Bell, who built a house around 1805 on the hill above Bedford Springs.  The town of Bedford was established February 16, 1816, and incorporated on March 5, 1850.  The name Bedford comes from Bell's former home - Bedford, Virginia.

“The Bedford jail was guarded Wednesday night to protect young Devine, slayer of McGammon.  The popular feeling is strong against him.”   the Covington Journal, December 13, 1884

The Bedford Sons of Temperance established, 1850. Bedford Masonic Lodge established, 1851


Billboard, August 18, 1923

Baking Powder
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, December 29, 1897

Utah Company
Daily State Sentinel (Indianapolis), March 18, 1858


The Radical (Bowling Green), February 24, 1844
Stop, Thief
Weekly Reveille (Vevay), August 29, 1855

Milton, Kentucky