Ohio River

Madison Milton Bridge Madison Milton Bridge
High water Ice

Madison Milton Bridge

Aerial View


Madison Milton Bridge Madison Milton Bridge Milton-Madison Br1dge Milton-Madison Br1dge


Madison Milton Bridge

Milton, Kentucky


Madison Milton Bridge Madison Milton Bridge   Madison Milton Bridge
Madison Milton Bridge Madison Milton Bridge Madison Milton Bridge Madison Milton Bridge

Construction Construction Construction

Bridge Construction, 1929

Milton, Kentucky

Madison Milton Bridge

Milton Madison Bridge, 1934
from the US Army, Chief of Engineers

Milton, Kentucky

When a serious effort was made to bridge the Ohio between Lamb and Carrollton, the Milton-Madison bridge owners published a booklet on why that was a really bad idea. You can read it here. (pdf)

Milton, Kentucky

Madison Milton Bridge Madison Milton Bridge

December 27, 1929 

Aerial view of Milton, Kentucky, when the bridge opened 


Madison Milton Bridge

That's Indiana Governor Harry Leslie on the right.  Kentucky's
governor didn't make it to the bridge dedication.


Crowd Crowd
Folks on the bridge at the dedication

newThe new bridge inspires poetry.


Toward Miltonnew

Toward Milton


Toll Booth Toll Booth
From a Facebook post by Bob Boyd Harry Leman, photo

The bridge opened as a toll bridge, but was freed on November 1, 1947. 
The story of the bridge, from the 1947 dedication booklet, is here.

Milton, Kentucky

Madison Milton Bridge  

Milton's parade float in the bridge opening parade

The Madison Milton Bridge opened on December 20, 1929.  There was a parade, and speakers, and a fly over, led by H.  Weir Cook (Wikipedia), which dropped floral arrangements on the bridge along with 1000's of congratulatory leaflets.

Milton, Kentucky

The Slide.
They built the new bridge next to the old one, and then slid it over to the piers of the old bridge.

- or -

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” -Isaac Asimov

Milton, Kentucky