Milton Distillery

Milton, Kentucky Milton, Kentucky Milton, Kentucky

Susquehanna Distillery.  Map is 1910.

Details about the distillery are at this site.

Louisville's Courier-Journal, February , 1896

The Courier probably blew it on this one. The Boone County town of Richwood had no grain elevators.


newTrimble County

Joseph Herman's, Milton
From a Facebook post by Danny Maiden


Bottles Bottles Bottles
Milton Distillery Bottles
From a Facebook post by Darrell Henderson
  From a Facebook post by Gregg Wagner

“Near Bedford, Ky., a terrific still explosion occurred Friday at the Richmond Distillery, fatally injuring John Toulon and John Gossom. They lived eight hours after being scalded.” Crawfordsville (Indiana) Daily Journal, June 7, 1890
Snyder Brothers and their distillery run into financial issues.



The Richwood Distillery from Indiana, 1915
From a Facebook post by Bert Moore. Jr.


Laborers Distillery
Alexandria (VA) Gazette, November 8, 1901 Maysville's Daily Evening Bulletin, August 27, 1887
There was no distillery in Richwood, Ky. These items are about the Richwood/Snyder/Susquehanna Distillery near Milton. All the names refer to the same place.


Milton, Kentucky

Snyder's Mills



The Courier-Journal noted (April 25, 1909) that if prohibition should happen, Susquehanna Distillery would close, eliminating 85 jobs, and an annual payroll of $39,500. They would not buy 204,000 bushels of grain from farmers, and not pay $8,117 in state and local tax revenue. And they would close a building that cost $333,000, a huge sum in 1909.

Milton, Kentucky

newThe 1879 fire at the distillery.

“Fire destroyed 1500 barrels of whiskey at Milton, Ky., Sunday”from Marion, Kentucky's Crittenden Press, October 2, 1890 “James Levy & Co., former owners of the distillery now operated by James H Rogers, are in trouble with the government.  An investigation of their warehouses at Milton, Ky., shows that a large quantity of their whiskey has mysteriously disappeared. Their plea is that someone has been robbing them.  The shortage foots up $12,000, and they have paid the government that amount.”  from Maysville's Daily Evening Bulletin, August 2, 1887
In 1917, the Susquehanna Distillery, officially owned by the Susquemac Distillery Co, employed 22 men and 15 women.  Susquemac gave a tour of the plant to the Liquor Dealers Conventi0on in 1910 in Cincinnati.  The tour included their warehouses which held 100,000 barrels. Read all about it here.
“Snyder Bros., Trimble county, Ky., lost $60,000 by the burning of their distillery on the 19th.” Plymouth [Ind.] Republican, July 24, 1879 “On Friday night last, a boiler in Strader & Keyt's large distillery in Milton, Ky., opposite Madison, exploded with tremendous violence, badly scalding some five or six men and shattering the building.  The building was damaged to the amount of 4 or $5,000.”  from Vevay's Indiana Reveille, March 3, 1858
Madison complains about the smell from the Richwood Distillery, not from the liquor, but the 900 cattle that ate the used grain from the distilling process, here. “Milton, Ky., May 3. - A long-standing feud between Capt. W. H. Taylor, United States storekeeper, and Mr. M. W. Hagan, United States guager, resulting in a cutting affray late Monday afternoon at the Richwood distillery here, which may prove fatal to Capt. Taylor.”  from Maysville's Evening Bulletin, May 3, 1904

Milton, Kentucky