Rabbit Hash

Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash
Rabbit Hash in the Snow. Note men
standing in the center of the river.
Rabbit Hash, Opposite Rising Sun, Indiana


Rabbit Hash

The documentary, Rabbit Hash (the Center of the
had it's Midwestern premier at the Madison
 Theater in Covington.  This is their promo shot
of Rabbit Hash. The original is from the 1907 Flood (For the record, you
get that the “Hollywood-type” sign is a Photoshop job, right?)


How many stories of how Rabbit Hash got its name have you heard?  We've got 9 of them, Here.


Rising Sun Rising Sun
Rising Sun, from Rabbit Hash, 1909 Rabbit Ash from Rising Sun, c. 1913


Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash
Across the Ohio from Rising Sun, Indiana


Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash
Early Rabbit Hash - Rising Sun Ferries


Henry Stanley Henry Stanley
Henry Stanley Joseph Walton
The Henry Stanley and the Joseph Walton crashed at Rabbit Hash in 1900.


Rabbit Hash

The first motor hearse in Rising Sun, a Dodge, returns from Rabbit Hash


Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash
Rabbit Hash - Rising Sun Ferry
The Mildred, 1922-1945

Indianapolis News, July 25 1918


Daily Commonwealth, July 11, 1883


newRabbit Hash
Cincinnati Daily Commercial, May 5, 1861

newAlvin Garrett's poetic tribute to Rabbit Hash from 1926. newRabbit Hash's Bill Whalen seems to be well-known in the city. And not in a good way.
newRabbit Hash is for sale in 1992. newBrynneth Pawltro elected third mayor.
“C. G. Riddell and Ben Wilson have rented the Rabbit Hash and Rising Sun ferry for five years of Captain Bob Piatt.  Mr. Piatt will leave our town the first of next month.  We are sorry that the captain is going away.”
Covington's Daily Commonwealth, September 28, 1881
“Ben Wilson and C. G. Riddell are having new horse power put in the ferryboat.  P. G. and Z. T. Holmes and Keene Robbins are doing the work. They will have the boat in running order by the middle of the week.”
Covington's Daily Commonwealth, July 11, 1883
The Ohio County, Indiana's history of the Rabbit Hash ferry is here.
Obstreperous Rabbit Hash citizen sets fire to Covington jail.
The Cincinnati Enquirer ran a feature on Rabbit Hash in their magazine section in 1954. (pdf)
Rabbit Hash is on the National Register of Historical Places. Pdf's of the town's application is here, and the store's application is here. Both with history, maps, and pictures; both pdf's.

Rabbit Hash Book
Maysville's Daily Public Ledger, March 6, 1895

It was issued. And reproduced (pdf) by the Rabbit Hash Historical Society.


Rising Sun Wharf

The Rising Sun Wharf
Steamers landed at the wharf, but the ferry landed on the shore.


Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash
sketch by Gloria Wolfe sketch by Caroline Williams


Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash
Rabbit Hash General Store, since 1831
photo on the right is by Paul Briol

newRabbit Hash

In the 1997 Flood.
Patrick Reddy, photographer


Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash
In 1894, Reuben Gold Thwaites, the director of the  Wisconsin State Historical Society, and a noted
historian, traveled the length of the Ohio River, with his family and  his trusty Number 2 Kodak
Camera.  These 3 pictures were taken by him, at Rabbit Hash


Well, of course, if this happened, it happened in Rabbit Hash. If this happened...


Rabbit Hash

Rabbit Hash

Rabbit Hash
Frank Hodges Sawmill, circa 1900 Rev. Twinkle Preaches in Rabbit Hash, 1917 Martin Williamson Home


“Rabbit Hash.  Things we have heard that: - The R. H. W. & B turnpike is a sure go.”  Boone County Recorder, January 8, 1908.  We’re guessing Rabbit Hash, Waterloo, and Burlington.

We find a number of turnpike companies formed to build roads to and from Rabbit Hash. Like railroad companies later in the century, many such companies formed, failed to sell enough stock, and folded. We don't know about the success or failure of these:
The Carlton Ferry Road to the Covington and Lexington Turnpike, and the Boone Turnpike Road Company.

We also find this item, which seems to indicate the road to Union is privately owned, but supported by the county and is free of tolls.

“Captain David, of the [steamboat] Cherry, reports a new obstruction in the shape of a root in the channel at Aurora, about seventy five yards below the wharf boat. He also reports a fire at Rabbit Hash, opposite Rising Sun, Ind., Wednesday night, which destroyed Pate's store and several other houses, entailing a loss of $3,000.” Courier-Journal, September 23, 1883


Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash
C. W. Craig's General
Store, 1954

C. W. Craig & Clayton Ryle,
owners of the two
Rabbit Hash Businesses


Rabbit Hash, Kentucky Rabbit Hash, Kentucky
Rabbit Hash, Kentucky Rabbit Hash, Kentucky


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, January 17, 1879


Rabbit HAsh

Formerly the Crescent Springs Fire Truck #501 in
downtown Rabbit Hash, 1989
From a Facebook post by Frank Michaels


Rabbit Hash Ferry Bonanza Katie Piatt Katie Piatt
Rabbit Hash Ferry
from a Facebook post by the Ohio County Historical Museum
The Steamer Bonanza leaving Rising Sun
from a Facebook post by the Ohio County Historical Museum
 The Katie Piatt.  She was lost in the 1918 ice
Thanks to Big Bruce for identifying the ferry for us, and for the pic on the right.


Katie Piatt

The Katie Piatt


Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash

That's the former Doctor's
Office on the right - last used
circa 1934

General Store, 1963 Rabbit Hash School Bus


Rabbit Hash

Outside a church near Rabbit Hash
That's Rosa Lee Reed Vollmer, who had returned to a reunion that took place at the
 church in the photo. With her are her two daughters, Helen and Gertrude, and Gertrude's
daughter, Helen.  Identify of the man is unknown.  Thanks to Rose Berry for the picture.


Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash
Cliff and Lib Stephens, Rabbit Hash General Store proprietors Cliff Stephens C. W. Craig, with Patsy and Ronnie "Bugo" Stephens
These five from a Facebook post by Suzie McGuire Langen


Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash
The Rising Sun Wharf
Boat, Flora, c. 1910
1871 Gravel Bar near
Rabbit Hash
Aerial of Rabbit Hash


Rabbit Hash
Aftermath of the 1937 Flood in Rabbit Hash. One of hundreds of buildings that floated off their foundations in the area, some floating down river never to be seen again. This one was moved up the hill at Rabbit Hash. Still there. From a Facebook post by Matt Mansu.


Ice, 1917-18 Ice, 1903
Ice of 1917-18 at Fernbank, Ohio Side
from a Facebook post of the Saylor Park Historical Society
Ice of 1903, at Front Street in Rising Sun
from a Facebook post by the Ohio county Historical Museum


Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash Rabbit Hash
Rabbit Hash in the 1937 Flood In the 1964 Flood
From a Facebook post by Matt Mansu


Fighting over the spoils of the 1907 flood Rabbit Hash suffered from the 1883 Ohio River flood.

Rabbit Hash suffered from the 1884 Ohio River flood:

1884 Flood
Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, February 11, 1884

“At Rabbit Hash a depot building was caught, and further down in the bottom a freight car was caught.  Maybe they will catch a railroad during the next flood.” “If you want to come to this place, just start in this direction and continue to travel until you come to the dirtiest, filthiest, muddiest, and worst wrecked place anyone ever saw, and then stop, and we will assure you to be in Rabbit Hash.”
A more detailed description is here and yet another one, here.
The three items above are all from reporting about the 1884 flood in the Boone County Recorder of March 5, 1884.  


Lots of current Rabbit Hash pictures are at Rabbithash.com.

Rabbit Hash

River Ridge Park, 1968

Rabbit HAsh Rabbit Hash
Contemporary Rabbit Hash Brochure


Rabbit HAsh Rabbit HAsh
Contemporary Rabbit Hash Brochure


We can't believe we post this stuff department: recipe for actual rabbit hash .
