Verona Schools

Verona, Kentucky

Old Verona School, 1914

Nov. 5, 1914, to Mr. Estill Stewart, Jonesville, Ky, “Rec'd your card and was indeed glad to hear from you. I thought possibly you might enjoy a picture of the building in which you saw so many “spooks.”  You must come up to Verona again soon.  My room is marked with the x.  Your friend, Mattie”


A little background on the above school is here.


Verona, Kentucky Verona, Kentucky
An early view of the Verona High School The Verona High School
 Verona High School was built in 1914-1915. On May, 1914, a local referendum was held on the question of building a high school. One hundred forty-one voters favored the construction of a new building, while sixty opposed the project. A 2.86-acre building site was acquired from O. K. Whitson for $600.00. The architect for the new building has not been identified, but it is known that bids for the construction of the new school were opened on August 22, 1914, and that the contract was awarded to George P. Nicholson of Walton, at a contract price of $ 10,090. The new Verona High School opened in September, 1915, under the supervision of principal Miss Nannie Hamilton. The building housed grades one through twelve from the 1915 school year until 1935, when the Verona and Walton school districts merged, creating the consolidated Walton-Verona District. Following the 1954 construction of the present Walton-Verona High School in Walton, the Verona High School building was converted to an elementary school; it was abandoned following construction of the new Walton-Verona Elementary School in 1971.
The Verona High School (pdf) is on the National Register of Historic Places
The school was the site of the Verona Fair in 1927 and 1928.


Verona BBall

Verona High School Basketball Team, c. 1932: left to right: Harold Speagle - guard, Clyde Chapman - forward, Ernest Bingham - Center, Francis Ransom - forward, Fred Hamilton - guard, and Frances Stevens (Wilson) coach and principal. From a Facebook post by Karen Hamilton-Wilson

Verona, Kentucky Verona, Kentucky
Verona High School Class. 1932-33, 
  Class List  here.
Verona High School Class. 1934-35.
Class List  here.
Since Walton and Verona Consolidated in the Fall of 1935, these are the last
 classes from Verona High School


Report of the Verona Public School, J. H. Craven and Miss Lillie Rouse, teachers.  Five months' term closed February 1st.
Number of Pupils in District 161
Number of Pupils Enrolled 116
Highest Number in Attendance 101
Lowest Number in Attendance 55
Average Daily Attendance 84
Scholarship, deportment & Neatness 96
Cases of Corporal Punishment 5
Proceeds from Entertainment, 1896 $16.83
Proceeds from Entertainment, 1897 $10.48
School opened each morning with singing and moral instruction
from the Boone County Banner, March 1897

Verona, Kentucky

Walton-Verona Elementary, c. 1975
