Businesses East of Monmouth

Newport, Kentucky

Vonderhaar and Stetter Funeral home
3rd and Overton, 1922


Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky 1913 Flood

The Donaldson Lithographing Company, Newport, 1909
to “Mr. Henry Bramlage, Hamburg, Indiana  
How's Henry?  Am the same old scout. J. Meirose”
(Thanks to Richard Cole for the letterhead images)

Wanted! Colord Musicians Harrison Bros.
There were also touring musical groups sponsored by Donaldson

Donaldson published a catalog (pdf) of their available bock beer posters.


Donaldson, 1909

A description of Donaldson from 1909 is here.

Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky

Inside the Donaldson Lithographing Company


Newport, Kentucky

Newport, Kentucky

Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky
Peter Hughes Express
1013 Vine St, Newport
Joe Gatliff Auto Sales, 1959
6th and Dayton Ave.
George P. Stegner actually had two groceries in Newport.  One was at the southwest corner of Monroe; the other at the southwest corner of Seventh and Monroe. This is the one on Saratoga.


Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky
Kentucky Journal, 1892
sw corner of Washington & Madison
(Madison was later renamed 5th)
Weingartner Planing Mill, 1890
296-298 Saratoga.
Earlier, on Monmouth



The W. J. Baker Co. issued an advertising card to announce they furnished all the screens in the state capital, 1909.

Newport, Kentucky Baker
The W. J. Baker Co., 1948, and 1909. Forrest and Saratoga.
now in Wilder, and online here.


new Saner's Saner's
Bill Saner's Barber Shop was in the basement of his home at 230 E. 8th. |From a Facebook post by Carol Sanman.


Newport,Kentucky   Bakery
The Val Weber Bakery on the north west  corner of Dayton and Harris Streets. You know Harris as 9th.   John Steinhauer's Bakery, on 285 Tibbats, or, after they renamed the streets, 31 E. Tenth.



Blau's Grocery, 10th and Washington
From a Facebook post by Tom Taylor


newThird Street Motors

Third Street Motors
Geo. W. Oetjen's, Proprietor


Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky Higgin Ad Higgin's
Higgin Manufacturing, 1922
founded 1893
The Higgin Manufacturing Company,
 This building was on the southeast corner of 5th and Washington.

Higgin's advertising brochure from 1921 is here. A description from 1909 is here.

newA more detailed catalog is here (pdf).


The Palm Beach Building, above and below, was located on the East side of Washington Street between 5th & 6th Streets. Originally constructed around 1883 for the Deuber-Hampden Watch Company, the building was torn down in 1988 and is now a parking lot. The building had several tenants over its 100+ years. Deuber-Hampden vacated the property in 1891 after the owner ran into financial difficulties. The property was then purchased by The Standard Carriage Goods Company, a manufacturer of carriage hardware and leather trimmings. In 1897, the Standard Carriage Company was purchased by the Higgins Manufacturing Company, who continued to produce carriage equipment and leather goods. In later years, the Higgins Manufacturing Company produced metal screens for doors and windows. In 1946, the Goodall Company took over the building and used it produce mens and women's clothing. In 1965, the Goodall Company changed their name to the Palm Beach Company and occupied the building until its demise. text from Facebook post by Old Photos of Newport


newMill Ooutlet

Palm Beach Clothing, a.k.a. The Mill Outlet
From a Facebook post by Jeff Tompkins

Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky

Palm Beach Clothing, Newport,
right is 1948


Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky

Dueber Watch Case Factory
southeast corner of Washington and Madison; ad is from 1885
(Madison was later renamed 5th)
Read much more about Dueber's at this site.

Dueber Dueber's Dueber's Dueber's Dueber's Dueber's Dueber's
Examples of some of the watchcases made by Duebers
Dueber's Dueber
Dueber had a falling out with Newport (see the article above), and built this factory in Canton, Ohio   Dueber ad poster


Newport, Kentucky

Beetz's Bakery, 1922
Known for Beetz's English Pound Cake
“The Beetz Bakery was started and operated by my grandfather Frank Beetz from about 1918 to 1948.
 He was born in Germany in 1876, lived in London from 1888 to 1908, and then moved to Newport. He worked
 at Roth Bakery at 9th and York before starting his bakery at 10th and Boone.” - George White


Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky
The Marion M. Allen
Supply Co.,
927 Park at 10th
Victor Brown, Florist,
114 E. Eighth Street,
Fletcher Manufacturing
Company, 1922. They  made 3,000
washing machine motors per month.
On 108 to 114 East Eighth, Newport


Kentucky Post, March 2, 1930

Fire at the Alhambra Tile Works. Map of where it was located here.
Google it for lots of images of the tiles they produced.


Dean Dean Dean's

The Dean Gas Engine & Foundry Co. 1906, corner of 1st and Washington

newTheir promotional catalog is here (pdf).


Rothweiler Rothweiler Rothweiler
Products of Rothweiler Manufacturing, on Saratoga.


The Bump Ashtrays
Joe and Jeff's Gulf Station.
After the Floodwall; before I-471.
From a Facebook post by Ken Rechtin
Crestview Carryout Ashtray.
From a Facebook post by Mike Fitters


Monopoles The Bump The Bump
Tom and Marilyn Monopoles,
3rd and Saratoga.
From a Facebook post by Ranetta Gail Clark
The Bump
From a Facebook post by Gail Runion
The Bump
From a Facebook post by Sam Routzon


Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky

Victor Brown Florist, East Eighth Street


Newport, Kentucky

Knobloch's, A Nash Dealer
East Sixth Street


3rd St. Motor Car

The 3rd Street Motor Car Company is on the National Register of Historic Places.
The application (pdf) contains lots of images, history, and architectural details. From 2002.


Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky

Otto Zimmerman & Son, 1922, 1948
120 E. Third Street


Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky          Newport, Kentucky

Hyde Park Clothes
left, 1948


Clarence's Newport, Kentucky Newport, Kentucky
Clarence's Radiator Service,
E. 10th, 1960
from a Dodie Howard Leigh post on Facebook
E. J. Robinson Glass Co
1030 Waterworks
Auto Vehicle Parts Co.
1028 Saratoga, Newport



The Cabooze, across from the Levee
From a Facebook post by Tom Stanfield
