Warsaw, Kentucky

Warsaw, Kentucky

B. K. Bailey's Drug Store 
 Is that B K Bailey standing in front? Don't know. 
 We know this building stood where the present Warsaw
 Pharmacy now stands.  That's US 42 going toward
 Louisville to the left. 


Warsaw, Kentucky    “Warsaw's river front has taken on a cityfied air since S. P. Grubbs' coal elevator has begun operations.  The coal digger arrived Friday and started to unload a barge of slack coal for the Warsaw Furniture Manufacturing Company Saturday.  The elevator is quite an improvement over the old way of unloading barges as the coal is scooped out of the barge by machinery and hauled to the top of the incline where it is dumped into a large hopper, which in turn loads the wagons as they drive under it, doing away with much of the labor required in the past.” Warsaw Independent, March 16, 1910
S. P. Grubbs, Coal Dealer, Between Main Cross and Second, on Locust


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
Clore Printing.  Home of the
Warsaw Leader
, c. 1910.
The Tobacco Prizing House
(Across Main Cross from
 Gardt's Tavern, under the hill)

A remembrance of Sam Clore.


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
Interior of Hall & Abbott's
Hardware Store. A little
background on this one, here.
Interior of Perry Weldon's Grocery
Dean Richards, Barker Holcomb,
unknown, Perry Weldon, unknown
Interior of Drug Store
clerk thought to be Nettie Weldon


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
The livery stable which
was “under the hill.”
The livery stable which
was “above the hill.”


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
The Clover Farm Store, c. 1937 Weldon's Grocery Store US 42 at Main Cross
(man posing with bike is Jack Howe)
“This building that has housed many stores was owned by Frank Connelly until the Mylors bought it, and it became Jewell's. From the 30’s until ‘46 my Aunt Pearl Weldon and her husband Perry ran a Clover Farm grocery on the first floor and on the second floor they had dry goods such as material, shoes, and etc. My mother, Lutie Mae Craig, sister to Pearl Weldon, came to help her sister run the dry goods store on the top floor. Eddie Craig, my father, worked for Miss Pearl. Eddie and Lutie Mae were married in ‘40 as Dad went to the Second World War. When Eddie returned to Warsaw, he and Nesbit “Nezzie” Gutting, who was already a butcher, bought the grocery business from Aunt Pearl in ‘46. Nezzie and wife lived across Main St. in what is now a 1 story brick house, but was 2 stories originally. Kenny and Dot Herndon ran the grocery in the 1970's.” a Facebook post by Brenda Sue Craig Judy. And we'll add that at one time, the Warsaw Independent had it's offices upstairs.


This early drug store actually sat on the court house square.  On the southwest corner was an old jail.  Details on the folks in the picture, here. Warsaw, Kentucky

“Keene's tobacco warehouse in Warsaw is nearly finished.” Courier-Journal, March 14, 1870


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
J. K. Nesbit, Warsaw Undertaker Behind the old school used to
be a chicken breeding business


This is a Coke Distribution truck, outside their warehouse at Locust & Main Cross.  That's Gardt's Saloon on the left. That's George Henry on the truck, and a father &  son both named Elliott Breeden
     Warsaw, Kentucky


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky

Later part of the old Maines
Hardware, earlier the US Post
Office, and in this scene,
a Confectionery.


Louis Gutting's Meat Market
east side of Main Cross
That's Clarence Abbott, Hugh Griffin,
Mr. Brown, Gutting (in the shadows)
and unknown. Did you pick up on
the dog in the store behind Mr. Brown? 
Close up's here.

J. H. McDanell & Son
(later, Conrad Hardware)




Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
Herrick's Carriage Shop
Across 42 from the
 Methodist Church
Warsaw Transfer Company
east side of Main Cross,
 between Main and Market


newBusinesses advertise in the 1838 Warsaw Patriot.


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
This restaurant was just west
of the Warsaw Pharmacy.
If you can identify the guys in the pic,
please email us.
George Thompson's “Crown Mills” Flouring Plant.
Later, Wilson's Lumber Company.

“Madison, March 9. - Thompson's flour mill, elevator, and warehouse, at Warsaw, Ky., burned last night. Loss heavy.” Indianapolis News, March 9, 1894

“During the destruction by fire of the Crown flouring mills, Mrs. E. A. Allen was stricken with paralysis of the heart and died instantly.” Greencastle Banner and Times, March 10, 1894


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky

Lanham's Furniture Shops
sorta where Kentucky Auto Parts is now
Folks in the right pic identified here.
The Lanham Factory burned down on June 27, 1940


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky
Warsaw Furniture Factory Employees, c. 1935 Inside one of the furniture factories


Warsaw, Kentucky

1908 Invoice


Warsaw, Kentucky Warsaw, Kentucky

McDanell Furniture Factory

McDanell Factory Burns  in 1905; is rebuilt, story here.

Warsaw, Kentucky

There were three Warsaw Furniture Factories.  McDanell's was between Second and Sparta Pike, behind the residences on the south side of Pearl.  Lanham's (you may also hear it described as Prill's, who were later owners) was on Main Street, behind where Kentucky Motors is today.  It burned down on June 27, 1940.  The third, the Bogardus Factory, later owned by Barry Brown, was begun in 1902, originally made dining room and hall furniture which was shipped to all 50 states, Canada, Mexico and South America.  It was across U.S. 42 from the cemetery, and was torn down in March, 1995.  More modern pictures of the inside of this latter factory are here. Good goods.

Images of some of the amazing earlier work of the furniture factories.

new1982 catalog of the Barry Brown products, along with prices lists, wholesale and retail (all pdf's).

gallatin line


Wm. K. Robinson opens a jewelry store. In 1836!

Warsaw Independent
Hartford (KY) Herald, May 12, 1880

Warsaw Patriot
Rising Sun Times, May 27, 1837
Flemingsburg Kentuckian, September 9 ,1838
Gallatin County News first publishes.  
The Gallatin County News was sold by Ed Lamkin to Warren Boulton in 1934 who leased it to Norman L Klayer two years later.
The Warsaw News packs it in, here. Warsaw newspaper changes its name in 1875, here.

Warsaw, Kentucky

Warsaw Independent, 1902

Thanks to David Webb for sending us this Kentucky Post article on The Country Kitchen, and its proprietor, Bubby Hall.  Read it here. The 1906 Willadean Nursery Catalog is here (pdf). Offices in Warsaw's Craig Building.
“Walton, Ky., - The Consolidated Telephone Company of Walton, Kentucky, of which W. G. Black is general manager, is re-building the telephone lines and establishing a trunk line, metallic circuit, between Walton and Warsaw. This will, when completed, connect this territory by long-distance service with Louisville and Cincinnati. Mr. Black announces that he will rebuild all of the lines of the Gallatin County Telephone Company, which he recently purchased from Harold Brown, and make his system of the best.” From Telephony, Vol. 59, 1910, p. 471.
newAn inventory of Warsaw businesses, 1964.
“One thousand sheep were shipped from Gallatin county to New York last week.” Courier-Journal, June 9, 1871 “Several ladies of Warsaw have taken advantage of the late 'law for the benefit of inebriates,' and have posted notices in all the bar-rooms in town warning the proprietors not to sell or give their husbands any intoxicating liquors, under penalty of the law. The penalty is $20 fine for each offense." Courier-Journal, April 13,1871
“We are informed by a gentleman just from Warsaw, Ky., that a few nights since the watch and jewelry establishment of a Mr. Russell was entered and some twenty watches taken. The their has not been detected yet, but we are informed that he is supposed to be in or about Vevay.” Vevay Reveille, July 6, 1854
Silversmith sets up shop in 1899. Turns out he had ulterior motives. Here. And here.

Wellman & Dwire had a warehouse in Warsaw.

Early Warsaw druggists were H. D. and Sam Clore, who bought their business from Henry Peak on February 11, 1877.  Other Warsaw druggists included B. K. Bailey, and Horatio Turpin Chambers, son of Dr. Absalom B. Chambers. “Steam was raised in the new furniture factory at Warsaw last Saturday, and Miss  Nell White, daughter of J. W. White, one of the directors, announced the fact by  a long shrill blast on the company whistle.  The Supt. George W. Mershon, is of the  opinion that he will be ready to start next month.”  The Owenton News-Herald, June 22, 1905.
Tan Yard
Cincinnati Daily Commercial, February 27, 1847
Pork Packing
Atlas (Boston, MA), December 5, 1839

Wanna buy a steam mill? There's one for sale. In 1837.

Warsaw Ad Warsaw Ad Warsaw Ad Warsaw Ad
Thanks to Dale Samuel for sending us these old ads from a 19th century Warsaw Independent


In 1957, Charlie Adams, editor and publisher of the Gallatin County News, decided he would run a short feature every week about a Gallatin County Business.  It would give him an opportunity to highlight local business (and sell all 30 of them a little ad for the next 30 weeks).  Anyway, Charlie delivered; here are the profiles on the 30 of the 30 he promised.
Albert Collins,
Bill Beverly,
Bill LaVelle,
Dry Cleaning,
Buck Kennedy,
Standard Oil,
C. V. Raymond,
Carlton Funeral Home,
Craig and Gutting,
Earl Brockman,
Dodge & Plymouth Dealer,
F. P. Jacobs,
Farmers State Bank,
George Poland' s Store,
Harold Marksberry,
Ford Dealer,
Hill's Nursery,
Howell's Service Station,
Lock Vu Restaurant,
Louis Hall,
Louise Wilson,
Paul Schirmer,
Riddell's Market,
Roberta Hulette,
Rea's Groceries,
Sabe O'Brien,
Propane Gas,
Sparta Bank Sparta Lumber Sug O'Connor,
Carl Varble,
Gallatin County
Farm Supply
Joe Ball,
Coal Dealer,
Harry Turner,
Pepsi Distributor,
Jess Kenney's Store,

gallatin line