Churches in Erlanger, Kentucky
Erlanger, Kentucky, Churches Erlanger, Kentucky, Churches
Baptist Church, Erlanger, 1908  Erlanger Christian Church
A short history of Erlanger
Baptist is here
A short history of Erlanger Christian is here. (pdf)
News story of the church's dedication is here.

The Erlanger Christian Church asked John Uri Lloyd for a contribution for their new building.
They got cash, but Lloyd also gave them a history of the fishing holes where they were building a new church.

“Two factions of Erlanger Christian Church are at war.”

Union Church Union Church

From a Facebook post by Matt Mansu

Union Church, on Commonwealth. Built in 1892; destroyed by fire, 1947.


Erlanger Methodist

Erlanger Methodist, a drawing by Caroline Williams


Erlanger Methodist new Erlanger, Kentucky, Churches Erlanger, Kentucky, Churches
Erlanger Methodist, c. 1913   Methodist Church, Erlanger
Originally built in 1887 as the Union Church, the Methodists purchased the property in 1892.  It burned down in 1947,
Interior at Erlanger Methodist


newErlanger, Ky

Monastery of the Sacred Passion

“Inside its walls the contemplative life is lived by community of devoted Religious: women dedicated to sharing n the Sacred Passion of our Lord through the exercise of prayer and abnegation.” - Diocese of Covington booklet


Erlanger, Kentucky, Churches
Monte Cassino, Crestview Hills
Older pictures, before they moved
 it to Thomas More, are here.
Erlanger Churches
(poor quality - sorry, it
was the best available)

kenton line

History of the Erlanger Lutheran Church is here (pdf).
A short history of the Anchor
 Church is here. (pdf)
The Erlanger Church of Christ's history
can be found here. (pdf) Their website is here.
History of the Bethany Evangelical
Lutheran Church is here.  (pdf)
Their website is here.

kenton line
We're indebted to the Erlanger Historical Society for many of the pictures you see here.  Thanks, folks.

kenton line